whats cooler Montreal or Vancouver

I’m from Montreal…

Qubekistan roads are the worst in the world and will destroy your car

You’d better like snow because we had 400cm of it last year

On the other hand, DT is my favourite city I’ve ever been to

Great night life, Mount Royal is really nice and there are lots of 'burbs to graduate to

man some guy at a hot dog shop told me to go down to this street(forget the name) and he said a good deal was .5 for 10. so i didn;t buy any and just used what i had

^ Good call! Cause they would probably have given you parsley. lol

If you plan on doing some “spirited driving”, you can’t beat Vancouver.

I’ve been to both numerous times. Vancouver is a lot of a lot cleaner. Nice fresh air. Summer’s aren’t swamped 1000000% humidity.

I’d take Vancouver over Montreal any day.

vancouver is a better place if you like outdoors, beach , mountains etc.

Montreal is very european, good house dj’s , shopping , food, etc.

id take Van city !

I’ve been to both and I would pick Vancouver over Montreal any time…
Most of the reasons are already mentioned above; cleaner, better scenery, MUCH better weather than what we have here in the east, lots of fun with import cars and not to mention California is a lot closer if you want to go down and check out the car scene…



B.C kicks ass, it is expensive but yea girl on guy ratio is nuts. like 3 girls to 1 guy. and yes as mentioned the rockies are sweetttt, lots to do aswell

All I have to say is Montreal has shit weed and BC has good weed… that right there is enough for me to choose.

I honestly could not agree more …


yeah i dont understand how people like strip clubs in montreal.

however, i guess being from niagara i am a little spoiled…

i went to one in nova scotia… it was fukking terrible… absolutely horrid…

I like Montreal, hate the habs. lol. In all seriousness, I had alot of fun in Montreal.
Never been to BC, my cousin lived there for a bit.

off topic, sorry I choose option 3, move to Cali!! I love it there. Weather is the best, drifting scene is huge, and i’ve got some fam there. Everything i ever wanted and need, except for free healthcare…If US follows suit with canada’s healthcare, consider me a SOCAL resident. :slight_smile:

the downer and pent house. hands down

went to school at Niagara and loved the buffet at the downer.

and now i judge every strip club to that one.

never found one even close

Van city, asian fiesta.

If your moving to Montreal, you’d better know french, or else your not going to have a good time lol

The good ol’ Sundowner. Gotta love it!

Vancouver, you have lots of water maybe go surfin. Its prettier out and rain beats snow.

just victoria alone is amazing. plus you get to take your car on the ferry, which was cool for me as i never done that and if you smoke weed you’ll have that perma. smile in b.c, doesnt get any better

I’ve never been to vancouver nor do I plan to but I’ve been to montreal several times.

It is a completely different environment/people. It feels very much like europe. People are alot more social, friendly. Makes you realize how much more cold and crueler gta people are. It’s weird. Oh and the buildings/style/etc… is more like europe too. I like it and I am fully fluent in french and could move there myself but wifey doesn’t lol… and im kind of too used to/established here in gta now meh…

It’s a nice place… and some stuff is cheaper there than it is here. Not sure if it’s true anymore though (rent, insurance, etc…)