Who knows the truth about my Audi?

Didn’t 4x4jimmy already say he was paying Dawn for it tomorrow? Shitty that it was left there though.


Meh you’re just another dumb girl…Thats the real world…


I dont think Dawn is dumb. Its a LOUSY fucking $300. What kind of lowlife, trailer park, pile of shit fucks someone on a car that cost $300. Just another example of the CHARACTER of people around here.


^^^i don’t know anything about this car or transaction, but i got the impression that the buyer paid for part of the car, and the remaining balance was $320. so it wasn’t a $300 shit box, right?

Someone should beat this guys ass. Hopfully he just gives her the money, and calls it a day.

wow. that kid sucks, I’ve hated him since he destroyed the mighty max.

I’m surprised nobody has used the typical “it’ll buff out”


I dont think Dawn is dumb. Its a LOUSY fucking $300. What kind of lowlife, trailer park, pile of shit fucks someone on a car that cost $300. Just another example of the CHARACTER of people around here.



no…not necc. the character of people AROUND HERE. just one person. i get sick of you always bashing Buffalo and the people who live here. it’s not the location, it’s the people


no…not necc. the character of people AROUND HERE. just one person. i get sick of you always bashing Buffalo and the people who live here. it’s not the location, it’s the people


buffalo sucks he’s right, our football and hockey teams are a good example of buffalo sucking!

you didn’t happen to see my civic down there did ya?


I’m soo… naked taking newds 4 you guys ;).



First off I want to see videos or action pictures of what the fug happened to this car.

Second off, Dawn since you own the car immediately call the junkyard and have them pick up the car. If you need someone to pull it to the street for you pm me and I’ll get it with my Jeep.

You will get $100 bones or whatever from the junk yard and won’t be getting called by the po…

Then call up the buyer and make him pay what he owes you…if he doesn’t firebomb his house for being such an asshat…or kill his parents and put them in chili and feed it to him.

That is the only solution to your problem, unless the car has been already taken care of, in which that case you will be ok also. Then get your money which the buyer seems to have said he will pay you…

I would have liked that car as a winter beater…

Also…if he leaves anymore cars back there NYSpeed should collectively beat the crap out of him because thats not cool, not cool at all.


Didn’t 4x4jimmy already say he was paying Dawn for it tomorrow? Shitty that it was left there though.


wtf does that solve…

The car is still sitting at Tift…So what 4x4jimmy is going to go change the title over to his name so when the cops come and check it out and bitch they call him and not her?

I would careless about the $300 and more about getting it the fuck out of Tift.

Take whatever money a junk yard will give you, and chalk up the remaining losses to life’s little lessons.


I dont think Dawn is dumb. Its a LOUSY fucking $300. What kind of lowlife, trailer park, pile of shit fucks someone on a car that cost $300. Just another example of the CHARACTER of people around here.



Fucking move then. Why are you even in buffalo anymore?


Take whatever money a junk yard will give you, and chalk up the remaining losses to life’s little lessons.

Fucking move then. Why are you even in buffalo anymore?



all though I think 4x4jimmy should have to take care of it for being a dickhole, and hand over whatever the junkyard gives him.

and :word: on the second account, however if he moved what would he have to be angry about on the internet all day?


Fucking move then. Why are you even in buffalo anymore?


:tup: We’ve all been saying it. GTFO if the area bothers you so much.

See, liberals and conservatives can come together on some issues!

Dawn you turned the plates in right? If that’s the case, you might want to burn the title in case the DEC comes knocking on the door of the last known owner of the vehicle.

As long as the plates are turned in (aka registration cancelled) you can reasonably argue that the car does not belong to you.

Who has the title doesn’t really matter, as when you sell a car all you do is sign it and let go. You don’t get proof of non-ownership. :gotme:

If it weren’t for the precedent it would establish, I would say that this thread and 4x4jimmy’s personal info should be turned over to the DEC.

Make sure you have a bill of sale, then it is his problem.
I am surprised you haven’t already been contacted by the police if the car has been sitting there.
Just make sure you have proof that you don’t own it any longer.
Good thing he didn’t use it to rob a bank, etc.


Make sure you have a bill of sale, then it is his problem.
I am surprised you haven’t already been contacted by the police if the car has been sitting there.
Just make sure you have proof that you don’t own it any longer.
Good thing he didn’t use it to rob a bank, etc.


someone mentioned earlier a bill of sale didn’t hold up for an abandoned car


someone mentioned earlier a bill of sale didn’t hold up for an abandoned car


With signature?


Make sure you have a bill of sale, then it is his problem.
I am surprised you haven’t already been contacted by the police if the car has been sitting there.
Just make sure you have proof that you don’t own it any longer.
Good thing he didn’t use it to rob a bank, etc.


I bet an Allroad would be a blast back there. But don’t worry, I’ll drop the coils back down after I’m done :wink:


With signature?


dunno I wasn’t the person that got boned by it. I can see police holding the previous owner to the coals on it though, a bill of sale can be created and signed by anyone… no one knows who the person is etc. End of the day the police/DEC will need to nail someone, unfortunately in this case it may end up being dawn.

4x4jimmy should take care of the mess he created and get the car out. If this was some random person that no one knew, then yea, i’d maybe try and deny it if I were dawn.