who thinks they went overboard with Classifieds?


I would hardly call it outsmarted. Please elaborate further where you got my gander.

Not really stolen, the other forums had actual software to perform the same purpose, we did it the old fashion way.

I can’t believe you put me in the same catagory as the above. That’s the lowest blow of them all. I am going to break the rear window of your Range Rover with MDP’s face.

Just seems like this will require 10 PM’s to do the risk of one post, particularly in flexible listings that work like auctions. Where a thread would look something like
Seller: FS blow up doll, $200/bo
Buyer 1: $5
Buyer 2: $20
Buyer 3: $100
Buyer 4: $101
Seller: Sold

As opposed to 4 different people PMing back and forth, as well as the seller having to notify every other bidder when someone offered a higher amount.
They do this shit on howardforums and i’ve never been able to accomplish a transaction with less than 20 PM’s.

oh christ that made me laugh lol

I have presented the negatives of taking the human dynamic out of the sales equation. You (or anyone for that matter) have yet to explain to me why this is less important than policing a FEW classified posts that become tangential and erroneous.

at the risk of getting banned, im gonna make this statement.

it seems the mods are just to lazy to police the classifieds. they want a system that is maintenance free. maybe if you dont have the time/patience to be a moderator then you shouldn’t be one. i think the new system sucks, it turns the for sale/wtb into a dead forum. will the system work? sure. is it easier for you moderators? sure. does it makes 90% of the people interested in selling on the site unhappy? sure does. i guess voice of few is much more important than the voice of many. i see where we stand.

Even if ten people a day complained that their listing was getting trashed, and those 10 people PM a moderator, it’s only a couple of keystrokes for the moderator to lock that thread. Now that sale can be handled Via PMs, exactly how the moderators foolhardily want ALL transactions to be handled.

If you have a problem with your classified post, PM a mod, and handle all further interaction Via PMs. Problem solved.

Undoubtedly, it’s surely not much effort to even delete all posts in the thread except post #1.

I’m fairly certain that Rubicant just spent more time on thesauraus.com trying to come up with a witty response to my posts than it would take to lock an entire week’s worth of threads that were flagged by the classified ad’s ORIGINAL POSTER.

oh please, If they change the rules they deal with the initial complaints then they subside. The members will deal with it, cause there isn’t much else they will do. After what ever people just adapt to it, and its ultimately on the moderators / admin to keep it if they want to.

The majority of the traffic for this site is General Automotive talk and the off topic shit fest. FS is not a major section, the people will comply.

Obviously its a quit the bitching because it will not change regardless how much people complain, no one will complain forever.

RX3 - Bandwidth for storage? come on! go edit your post and make me look stupid. Christ

I’ve met like 4 people for parts, who all said they troll the classifieds ONLY.

The person who refered me said the same thing.

That’s what drew me to the site.

Im kinda pissed about the new setup, I love to sell shit I come across to anyone on here who is interested. I always have cheap cars and parts lying around for someone to snatch up. I just think this is more of a headache then anything. Why cant you give the classified section users delete option for the person who started the thread? That way the poster can mod his own classified thread.

yeah i can mod my own thread no problem.

being a mod is not really that hard, expecially on a site that is as free willed as this site.

The new system doesn’t bother me much…i don’t agree with it entirely though.

Can we at least get our trader feedback back please?!?

I know for me, and a lot of others, when seeing a car for sale, or anything for that matter, it’s nice to see others chiming in vouching for the seller and the item they are selling.

You say the seller can post the PMs in their thread, much like ebay, such as valid questions, but who is going to PM a seller and say “I can vouch for you, this item is in great condition” etc etc…another example…who is to say, a seller cant just post in their thread “newman can vouch for me” when he in fact does not know newman? With this setup, newman can’t post up and say " i don’t fucking know you"…so everyone just takes the sellers word for it? …if any of that makes sense.

The setup has it’s flaws, and has some good points as well. But i think, going in this direction, trader feedback is NEEDED at the very least.

I like the groups idea, mainly to force people to read the rules.

However the strict comment restrictions, not as much as it can result in people being scamed. Or buying a lemon of an object.

i think its gay but all the mods hate me anyways :gotme:

im a faggot

Glad you put gave us your input in mods only… :roll:

i was busy banging chicks you fucking nerd

Well you see we have had a rash of newbs that are idiots, oh nevermind

glad talk you speek good.

Also. It’s amusing that you haven’t even tried responding to anything that i said. Or juicedGT. I figured he would be the biggest proponent of it considering all the shit i started in his old threads ( lol <3 ).

Don’t be so stubborn.

The reason eBay and Craigslist suck, is that you post something that interests people, and you open your email box to find 12 basically identical questions. Then you have to email each person, many of whom are tire kickers anyway, then modify or add to the listing. Chances are some people looked at it 2 days ago, and they decide to email you without re-reading the ad carefully to see the changes you made. The beauty of an open forum is people can HELP you sell your stuff. You might be selling a set of wheels, and someone will ask you the offset, ask if there are any cracks, and if they will fit a 1989 MR2. You post that info up and everyone sees it. Who wants to wade through a full PM box every day, especially for threads with multiple items?

I can understand limiting thread bumping within reason, and the issue of people shitting on others threads seems to have already been taken care of with promise of (IMHO appropriate) consequences. But it seems the majority of forum members want to let people respond to their ads, so why force a new system down everyones throat when they don’t want it? Just my $.02.

Makes it suck for WTBs too. What if I want to buy something similar or there are a few items offered to the OP? Guess I’ll never know…another potential sale down the drain.