Wisdom Teeth

Yeah I’ll probably be posting away on this forum all weekend.

I want to bring my bike into my house and clean every square inch of it since I won’t be able to ride it…

haha you think you are going to do that? prolly not you will be laying down suffering

noooo laying down=bad

elevation=less swelling

Fun times, mine were generally back to normal within 2 weeks.


I gotta get mine taken out on christmas break . 2 tops and the 2 bottom’s.Let me know how it goes and how the doctor was,might try to get it booked there

Doctor drives a C6 Corvette. haha

feel your pain bro i couldnt even read your original post without getting the chills/goosebumps and clenching my teeth, i cant stand the dentist at all, i still have my wisdom teeth in im not looking foreward to the day they have to come out one bit, good luck


damn this chicken

Just got back.

Don’t feel a thing yet. Last thing I remember was talking to the surgeon about cars, then waking up and babbling on about random shit. According to the nurse I keep repeating myself :rofl

Zero pain as of now. Well see what happens once the anastesia wears off…

Yeah you’ll be hurting in the am.

Any stitches?

yeah. still bleeding right now.

im so hungry

Go eat a Cheeseburger like LKSi did after he got his out! :rofl :rofl


and momma kramer said i was talking to one of the nurses about the red hot chili peppers for like 10 minutes when was out? i dunno

I didnt hurt until 3 days later. I actually went out drinking 2 days after. Maybe that’s related…

Good luck. Enjoy your drugs and watching movies that you wont remember afterwards.

Pain is starting to get bad. I’m 4 hydros deep and just took an 800mg Ibuprofen.

eat some advil ,its a antiinflamatory aid helps a lot when it does eat 3 advil and a hydro or 10 you will be fine

That’s what Ibuprofen is, haha. I have a prescription for it…

yeah but for some reason advil worked better than the scrip stuff ,i dont know why i was wasted on hydro,s …also rinsing with warm salt water helps a little and dont lay down .lolololol sleep as upright as ya can