and I got my anwsers, and this thread wont help anyone else so it wouldnt hurt anyone if it was deleted, but its too srs bsnss of a forum now for users to be able to delete there own threads.

:shoot:Ontop of that nobody can give a good reason why they cannot be deleted.

Infact the last mod I asked I specifically said, dont mention to mordark thread, and that was what he mentioned.:fyi:

Apparently the mordark thread is crucial to the future of nyspeed and Joshs profit margin.

The reason users need the ability to delete threads is because nobody knows how to control themselves in a serious thread.

Then because people say GLWS they get banned from the classifieds.

There are way bigger piece of shit sellers on this forum to worry about.
I’d buy from deebo or sell to him again a million times over.

Shit is fucked up and its only getting worse.


:lol: Wow dude, get a grip. Your little pussy hurt bitching is going to keep this thread alive. Had you simply taken the answers you got and STFU I doubt this would be in new posts long at all. Now everyone is going to comment on your whiny bitch attitude for the next 3+ pages, assuming this doesn’t get locked.

I’m not worried, maybe I’ll finally get the fucking anwsers that I’ve been looking for as to why everyone gets less and less options.

I have a feeling nyspeed is going to pay to play like most forums, with premium members, who will get all the options.

figure 200 people pay 20$ for a year, and josh doubles his investment on buying the forum.

why else would there be so much :snky: :snky:

snky snky because they don’t want the clusterfuck that letting users self delete threads would cause. You’re funny dude.

You weren’t around for ubrf so I’ll fill you in. No one here is so
loyal to this site that they wouldn’t move in a second if the shitfest that is 90% of Nyspeed became paid access. There are plenty of people on here with the interweb talent to toss up to steal the users just out of spite if the pay site thing ever happened.

take a dump in a bag and light it on fire by the front door

thatll show them

=p hehe

every other premier forum has it without issues.

By the way, from what I’ve heard management has some pretty good things planned for the site.


thank you.

today was going so well until someone went for my pockets.

Met up with a few members, sold some parts, bought some parts.
Was having a good time, Crawled around on the cold conrete under my truck to get rid of the shitty lowering blocks that someone thought was a good idea.

Moral of the story, dont open your mail, ever.

I’ve heard this too. I have no doubt in Mike, if he would get us off this POS server. Its actually slower than when howie ran the forum.

However, if they are trying to be a premier forum, I want premier options.
The ability to delete posts and threads, expecially reposts is well needed.

If the masses cant have it, I fucking want it.

I doubt you’re really serious about this, but this won’t work either. “Classic Insurance” companies such as Hagerty (who insure two of our vehicles) have very strict vehicle usage restrictions. So basically, if you have your '50’s vehicle out in the winter (whether or not it’s a pos) on a major thoroughfare during commuting hours and you pile into somebody, they tell you to piss up a rope since you violated their terms.
Just an fyi…

Maybe insuring a 200 dollar car is going to cost less than insuring a 700 dollar car?

Also the pontiac is less safe. My girlfriend had her insurance go up when she went from a 4 door neon to a 2 door sunfire with abs.

I’m 27, and own a house and pay $269 to insure the saturn with full coverage for six months…

UGHHHH You are fucking killing me.

Yes we have lots going on. Are we making money yet… NOPE do we ever expect to NOPE. Even if we charged the members $20 per year to use features we would still be way off making money. We are going to be paying good money to go to a much better host with new servers that we have been testing the fuck out of and they are blazing fast.

We have an entire new forum, entire new layout, entire new everything coming. I am still not going to go into details as I really do not think that it is necessary for me to share what we are doing, but it is great.

As for the deleting threads, NO we do not want users to delete threads. We do not even delete threads. They get moved into a “Trash Can” that never gets emptied.

Why can’t users delete threads? Simple people will post things, and then something will happen in the thread and we will lose something valuable. If you report a thread, or if you just PM a mod to remove or lock a thread it will always happen. The staff is here to do these things. In our next revision there is an entire Help Desk ticketing system that you can open a simple ticket and ALL staff will be notified to clear up your issue. It even gives you an expected response time.

We are working as fast as we can to clear up issues that you all have, but this shit sits behind my PAYING job, my other PAYING side work, and some of my hobbies. Beer doesn’t just brew itself! I work when I get time, and for the past 4 days I have been working balls out to get a product on the testing server… It is there and just needs a little tweaking. My wife is pissed that I haven’t talked to her in three days so that I could get this done. I really think that some of you need to get a grip and wake up to a reality that the internet is not life nor is it srs bsns. We have our rules and procedures, if you do not like them, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. We do our best to accommodate requests, but we are not about to try and accommodate everyone and every petty little thing.

In summary, if you wanted this post deleted, you should have taken appropriate action like pm’ing a mod and asking them to lock it, or just let it fall off by not responding to it anymore.

Oh and:

On most of the forums I’m on you can’t delete a thread after a few minutes or somebody posts and on some you can’t edit after a few days.:gotme:



when i first started driving, i had a 99 grand am gt, paid $220/month.
This was… 3 years ago I think it was.
3 and a half, actually.

That got totaled a few months back (other drivers fault 100%)
Now I have an 04 Grand am GT, and pay about $60/mo.
Forgot the company i just switched to…
progressive was charging me 74/mo… then my agent wanted me to switch.

when i had my camaro it was still about 160 a month to insure plus the grand am, lol. (94 camaro)

but yea, that gen grand ams are usually women, old fucks, and young douchebags (look on youtube, shitload of grand am race vids or kids going HOLY FUCK THIS CAR IS SO FUCKIN SWEET I JUST HIT 80 ON SOME COUNTRY ROAD OH MY FUCKIN GOD IM SO FUCKIN SWEET)

I’m not even going to touch the whole ‘people posting stupid comments issue’

But as far as the insurance on your new winter beater… (As someone said) you went from a jeep (not a high risk) to a cheap pontiac that’s in a higher risk group. More younger people end up with these cars and smash them up.
On to the topic of 50’s car… Classic insurance is more expensive and has very specific regulations. Most cars that are insured under classic insurance are only able to drive it occasionally, around 50 miles per policy period (1 year), and if they find out that you’re driving it more they will non-renew your policy.

It’s insurance, it sucks that we have to have it and it sucks that you’re basically getting raped for minimal coverage… But in the end it’s a hell of a lot better paying a couple hundred dollars a year than thousands upon thousands for one single accident.

Suck it up, pay your insurance or don’t drive… It could be worse, atleast you’re not paying insurance on a lotus :shrug:

Collision costs are the least of worries for insurance companies, epecially for a 12 year old Grand Am. What they are worried more about is you injuring someone else during an accident that was your fault. The possibility of this happening while you are driving a Grand Am is higher than the Jeep. That’s why you’re paying more. Like someone else said, you can thank all of the punk kids before you for setting the reputation of young male Grand Am drivers.

Grand Am = 16 year old girl car = high rate of crashes

a 16 year old car also includes neon, cavy, corsica, civic, accord, altima, god the list goes on forever, pretty much any car under 18 grand

moral of the story is don’t drop out of school when you’re 15 years old, and then maybe 10 years down the road, you wouldn’t be bitching about paying $6.25 more a week for car insurance.