You guys make this call.......

Don, as a very cmall business owner, I know how it is to go out on a limb to try and help someone and then get kicked in the ass. :thumbsdown: to bad customers

lets get a few things clear…i never once asked to be given a deal which i am sure don can confirm for all of you i asked for a quote on a radiator flush(not a transmission flush… Turbo tsi) i personally could care less who is right or wrong i do not know don from the next guy from his posts he seems like a ok guy i simply asked chris his opinion…but lets be realistic here i personally do not know the goin labor rates at shops or any thing of the sort but i thought that something like a radiator flush had a set rate and wasnt based on labor hours. Of course since ive know chris’s family as long as i have i am aware his entire family is GM employees so he does know what he is talking about. To clear the air on swerve i have never been there nor do i personally know paul so this is not some type of competition thing. As i am aware this thread was no more than asking for an opinion he never once said don was an asshat or anyone who works at hybrid he just asked for the forums opinion i am not sure how that makes him “a fucking douche”…but w.e this is a fucking internet forum

lol Swerve sells cold air intakes and sway bars, i think they have nothing to do with this .


Now after some quick searching, I came across a few links that say other wise… their price is near the bottom($119.95)


Additional Services COOLANT FLUSH* $119.95
*Prices may vary according to make, model and year. Add tax and appropriate environmental charges.

call them up and ask about that TSB Don posted and then see what they have to say. ALWAYS ALWAYS read the small print


lets get a few things clear…i never once asked to be given a deal which i am sure don can confirm for all of you i asked for a quote on a radiator flush(not a transmission flush… Turbo tsi) i personally could care less who is right or wrong i do not know don from the next guy from his posts he seems like a ok guy i simply asked chris his opinion…but lets be realistic here i personally do not know the goin labor rates at shops or any thing of the sort but i thought that something like a radiator flush had a set rate and wasnt based on labor hours. Of course since ive know chris’s family as long as i have i am aware his entire family is GM employees so he does know what he is talking about. To clear the air on swerve i have never been there nor do i personally know paul so this is not some type of competition thing. As i am aware this thread was no more than asking for an opinion he never once said don was an asshat or anyone who works at hybrid he just asked for the forums opinion i am not sure how that makes him “a fucking douche”…but w.e this is a fucking internet forum


Fixed… sry typo

regardless… his tone is what set off the entire debate. If he came on here and asked if the price was reasonable without mentioning names of shops and without the tone of “everyone’s favorite shop,” and no mentions of price gouging, then yes… that would have been a reasonable post.

But he didn’t, he started right off and made it personal for no apparent reason other than to bash on Hybrid. For that point alone he’s a fuckstick.

Don quoted you that price because he was going to do it the right way and get all of the clogs out.
The Price you got from the dealer was for just a drain and fill, which is the wrong way because it would still be clogged.
Don tried to do the right thing for your friend, and not the hack way to do things for cheap.

i can see both sides…i guess. a coolant flush for hundreds of dollars seems steep. but don clearly had good reasoning for it. the appropriate action was to respond to don’s PM with further questioning about the price. the only bad thing i can say about Don is that he hired jay. and he charges too much for crunk juice. i think $1.89 is more of a fair price.

I price gouge on teh Crunk. $2 and no tax :stuck_out_tongue:

this kind of stuff is the same reason i stopped doing bodywork for people. people wind up hitting a tree and thinking “oh well its just a fender i need”

no, you hit a tree, and your fender is touching you ENGINE, along with everything else thats usualy behind the fender

in this case, the coolant is garbage, and the problems it causes have to be adressed, which takes time, which takes money.

call a chevy dealer, tell them you want your cooling system cleaned with the “Prestone® Heavy Duty Cooling System Cleaner, GM P/N 12346500” and that you will be standing there to observe the entre procedure no matter how long it takes, then ask them for the price

omgz drama in teh Gen auto, I dont think i have seen this many people in gen auto in a while :stuck_out_tongue: lol

I smell a thread closing soon…

Its unfortunate that misunderstandings and knee jerk reactions would cause so much trouble.

The way I see it Don offered his expertise in how to do things the right way. Orange SS reacted with skepticism. However, instead of taking time to understand the procedure the price elicited a knee jerk reaction.

Its ok to be skeptical but you better have somthing to back it up other than a hunch before calling sombody out publicly.

I beleive that neither parties intentionally had it out for each other. Unfortunately these things never end well.

Here is my experience…

I have had alot of work done by Don’s shop and he as never steered me wrong. His prices are fair and has never attempted to price gouge me.

In fact, he has offered numerous breaks for services rendered that took more than the quoted time. In each case he has honored his original quote where others would have charged extra.

Don is unique in that he takes the time to do things the right way. I will be willing to bet that anybody else that you would have brought the truck to would have done a traditional flush and it may have worked fine. However, theres also a chance that it would not have worked fine and you would have blamed him for faulty service.

Don has to make a choice to make here. 1) He can do it the right way and lay out the expectations upfront. 2) Or he can do it the half assed way, get people pissed off at you, comprimse your quality of service, and take 10x the time dealing with the problems later.

I can tell you the first option is a hell of alot better than the 2nd.

Many will never understand this concept until you go into a business offering services yourself. The number one rule is never to comprimise your personal standards.

I can understand cause I have to deal with this shit every day as well. When sombody comes to me with a massive gaping festering hole in thier tooth and asks why they need a $1000 crown and root canal when they think they need 100 dollar filling in I smack my head. In this case I dont even give a choice… because doing it the half assed way= malpractice.


As i am aware this thread was no more than asking for an opinion he never once said don was an asshat or anyone who works at hybrid he just asked for the forums opinion i am not sure how that makes him “a fucking douche”…but w.e this is a fucking internet forum


:confused: Oh really? :confused:


To me it seems that a certain someone is trying to gouge pricing because he thinks that people are dumb. That’s a really classy move…


:meh: I dunno, accusing someone of pricegouging because “he (Don)thinks people are dumb” sounds like an opinion has already been made, and the question was rhetorical. :shrug: If Chris was looking for advice, you would think that sentence would have been worded a bit differently, no?

If you’re gonna throw out accusations like this, you’d better have your facts straight. Most shops will quote you “general” quotes, and when you get there and they assess, the quote will change.

For the record, here is the definition of pricegouging:

Price gouging is a frequently pejorative reference to a seller’s asking a price that is much higher than what is seen as ‘fair’ under the circumstances.

Now if you sit down and think about it, a shop like Don’s, whic specializes in a certain market, isn’t going to have the same equipment and resources to perform the operation as say, a dealership. Therefore it is totally plausible that it will cost him more to do the job correctly than a dealership. That being said, Dealership=Satan from my personal experience. Don worked at a dealership for a few years, so if anyone knows what to expect, it would be him. He gave you a quote based on how much time and effort it would take him to do it.

If his price differs from the dealership, I don’t see where the problem is. If you don’t like it go somewhere else. I don’t see what he did wrong. He can charge whatever the hell he wants. I’m sure many other places charge what they want, and people happily pay for it if the service is there. Not everyone has to give away services for nothing.

Me personally, I wouldn’t trust a dealership period unless I personally knew the tech doing the job. I also wouldn’t trust a shop I don’t know. But that’s just me.

If I had to “make the call”, I’d say there is no foul play or intent involved.

Moved to off-topic.

I don’t get it… i’m not favoring anybody here. BUT…if you are given a price you don’t like, that’s your right to shop other places. WTF?

But to call someone out because YOU feel their price is obsurd, is a Douche move.

There’s people i go to for all kinds of specialized services and sometimes they are they are higher price for whatever reason, so i go somewhere else, doesn’t mean they won’t be the “low bidder” on a dfferent job. It’s all part of competitive pricing, you will always price based on your ability to get the job done efficiently.

so, since this thread has given me the power to “Make my own call”… you’re being a douche.

I’m glad you did post this…as it shows everyone that reads the entire thread how sweet we are.


Bullseye the horse is going to set things(your intestines) straight chris…he is our new watch dog.


don has done some work for me in the past only on my winterbeater and i practicly had to beg him to rig the gas line… not even rig it, just use a non factory piece. him and gary almost didnt let me leave one day after i totally halfassed my brakes on my beater. i would trust don for any work done on any of my cars, i always recomend him because their work speaks for itself. coming on here and talking shit about (in my opinion) one of the best shops in town while, and i quote -


Don’t worry I never plan coming around your shop anyways…I do believe all Ive ever bought from you is crunk juice…



you’re a piece of shit. i could go on longer, but i wont. im tired.

Wait, let me get this straight:

  • Guy#1 is having PROBLEMS with his cooling system.
  • Guy#1 gets 2 price quotes from a shop. 1 quote for a drain and fill, near bookrate. 1 quote for a maintanence procedure, near bookrate.
  • Guy#2 believes that (2) bookrate quotes are price gouging.

Why am I not surprised that guy #2 is 20 years old and is immensly prideful of his 14 second cobalt?

Anyone with 5 minutes of paid work experience, in ANY maintenance shop, will know that draining & filling a radiator will not correct an EXISTING (dexcool sludge) problem.

cobalts suck, and so do the people that own them

^^^ nice edit :slight_smile:



Bullseye the horse is going to set things(your intestines) straight chris…he is our new watch dog.


I personally have felt like shit lately…you people have no idea. I needed to laugh, but I did not know how much I needed to laugh until laughing soo much that I cried.

I have not laughed like this in years. I <3 Gary Burch.

I had to view this post, cause HRK quoted it.


that said, if the job only takes him, lets say, 2 hours and he still charges you for the 6.6, then you have a problem because thats pretty shitty, BUT most shops dont pull that kind of crap (im not even sure if they can legally?)


What exactly do You do at the Paddock Shop?