Anyone Know any Halfmoon judges!?!?!?

nah it was a state trooper, in Saratoga county, according to the ticket. By officer observation was what he got me on I was so pissed… Because clearly he didn’t see a thing of what was really going on

You should have flashed a little cleavage. It probably would have worked.

Get a lawyer.

:rofl:rofl they get me everything else I want hahahahaha they weren’t showing enough I guess :lol:lol


im a halfmoon judge… show me yo titties and u dont go to jail! :shifty

save your i wasnt going that fast excuses for court. get a lawyer and deal with it.

for a non criminal citation 200$ tops for a lawyer.

maybe he thought you were repulsive and thats why he gave you a ticket. :rofl

Is your driving record otherwise clean?

If so, go to court dressed like a whore, but not too whorey. When he calls you to the bench, don’t say shit else other than NOT GUILTY.

They will give you a court date, usually a couple months away…last summer halfmoon’s wait for a court date was 4-6 months. Over this time, save up about $300. Once your court date rolls around, bring the cash with you to it…dress like a whore again, but not too whorey. Now, best case scenario, your cop doesn’t show up and the ticket gets dropped.The first thing they will do, is offer you a plea bargain. If this is your first offense they might even give you a 0pts non-moving violation. They’ll at least drop it down to failure to yield to a traffic control device, 2 pts. Your fine, with surcharge, will probably be less than $200, and they’ll make you take defensive driving.

Follow this and it’ll be a breeze. Now show boobs.

Did everyone else miss this?


Yes, my driving record is clean, the ticket I got 3 years ago was erased with the defensive driving class they made me take.

For my first ticket (also for speeding) my cop didn’t show and I was still charged and got 2 pts. My fine was $150 and called it a day.

I was never really sure if it mattered if the cop showed or not??

clean driving record + lawyer = MUCH better chance of it being reduced to something silly

Cops showing up completely depends on the court

Guilderland for example the cops do not prosecute their own case, the DA does.

Not sure if halfmoon cops presecute their own cases…

A lot of Police departments are handing things over to the DA now

That’s how mine was out in Cobleskill. Cop didn’t bother to show and it was the DA who handled the case.

It’s gone both ways for me, luck of the dram I guess.

I watched 6 people who were all there for citations for one cop at CP court get let off because they were transporting someone. Judge called all of them up and let them go, shortly after they announced that our cop hadn’t shown up either, but brought out the ADA to do us.

I want to say Halfmoon would be the same?
Since they’re actually Saratoga County Sherriffs aren’t they?

Yeah which is why more and more departments are letting the DA handle things due to cops having a job to do and well some rather be out on the road then dealing with some little fuckwad who was speeding in mommy and dadies car thinking their hot shit with their 14 year old gf in the passenger seat

Saratoga County is a big place, lots of courts, all have different policies/ways of handling them.

Gotcha. I don’t really know, never got a speeding ticket or anything.

All cases in Saratoga County are handled by the DA’s Office

hmmmmmm so you say their court surcharge is high?

speaking from past personal experience?