
Does it come in yellow? The bronze wheels are starting to bore me :rofl

oh jesus lol

I’ll be dippin my new wheels red :slight_smile:

doing this to the whole truck now. black and white.

Doing my grille in black with this stuff. Maybe all rub strips too…

I will kick your ass if you do that. :lol

:ninja So you thinking purple instead?

Seriously, those are probably one of the last surviving sets in the US that has not been refinished lol

But this stuff will peel back off and protect them in the process. It’s a win if you ask me.

exactly why im doing my rpf1’s this way instead of actual paint/powdercoat

Couple questions…I would love to have a white M.

  1. How much, on average, does a whole car cost to do?
  2. How hard is it to change the registration?
  3. I go through the car wash regularly…will this hold up for years and years? Or not that long?
  4. I’m assuming when you dip an entire car all the door jams, engine bay, etc. is left the original color?


It’s on his site Ilya… $150 shipped for the car kit. You can decide to do the jams and bay if you want… it’s like spray painting something

Oh okay…I just glanced over it quick. Thanks.

As far as changing the reg… dont do it. Then if you get pulled over, just peel it off and watch the officer go :open_mouth:


Remember the movie “The Jackal” with Bruce Willis, and the minivan? :lol Awesome

Grille has one coat. Will post before and afters when done.

pressure wash that shit off :lol

Please do. I’m looking into doing mine.

im really surprised that many of you havent heard of this. you can buy the cans at home depot and lowes.

must be a subaru thing.