***FOUND: red/black Sil-40 in Waterloo area

No shit, thanks Nick I’ll let him know.

shit man that sucks, good luck finding it ill keep an eye out in whitby/oshawa, as for gps in the car i got boom2, if the car is started without the keychain device in teh car, boomerang calls the cops immidiatly, it costs a bit to get installed and then theres monthly shit, but consiering my insurance doesnt know whats in my car its a pretty solid investment, look into it maybe and good luck

Stickied for 2 weeks…

GL with the recovery of the car!

Thank you very much for the sticky. Things are looking better if the car is still in the area and the moron is driving it in broad daylight.

If anyone sees this and has time on their hands, tail them and call the cops or see where they go, don’t just spot it, what good does that do?

well since its reported. if its stopped by cops.which most likely it will from how modded it looks. thats ur best chance. dunno why someone wuld steal a 240sx, its part out value isnt that much and resale of car is harder. small community. stupid theives. if i see it il tail it aswell

yea that was my 180, and a SON member spotted it. Hopefully he has the same luck. Looks like its gonna get found, but for god sakes people if you see it follow him and call the cops. As said above, what good is “spotting” it going to do !?!?

kinda off topic, but what front bumper is that? it looks mean as hell.

i look out for every fellow 240sx owner. Look out parts for sale too, ( not wishing bad luck) just in case. Good Luck tho.

well ill keep an eye out as well… thats weird that they would drive it around… ummm just a question, why didnt u follow it some more ?

Car has been recoverd and is in an impound lot, happens to be right across the road from my work. police hold on it so we cant see it yet but they said there is only damage to the front bumper (flatbed damage what?)

Looks like it was just some fool who stole it without thinking. Thanks to everyone for keeping an eye out, I’ll have more details later tonight - back to work now!

And the front bumper is from a Vertex kit, don’t know what model though.

Thanks again everyone!

and did u get a look at the driver ?

^ when nick spotted the car he hadnt seen the thread yet, why tail a 240 just because? haha. We’re not sure if this was the same car that was seen heading to toronto last night at this point but its kinda irrelevant now.

awesome… pm me please , let me know what the deal is … i would like to know seeing as we have a quite a few done 240 in out area … and this is a 240 specific theft… guaranteed, condsidering most s13 open and work with almost any s13 key, and only 240 drivers really know that

not gonna lie man, we do it all the time … and then talk to the driver , see if he’s on son , kinda like a 240sx welcoming committe

Congrats man, 2 for 2 go SON!!!

Congrats, I told you that you’d find it.

good stuff

congrats on finding it, now bust that guys ass!!!

glad to hear the car is recovered and is safe and sound. it’s dumb enough to steal a car that stands out like that one…worse even to still be driving the damn thing in broad daylight. what a tool.

more updates! ie. who found the car, where, what’s happening to the guy who punked it, etc.