Gran Turismo 5 General Discussion Thread

Anyone have the Formula GT? and what color? I need one, I may just buy the blue one thats online dealer, but I would rather have a better color lol. Can those be painted?

I have two, both blue. One of the few cars i haven’t gotten around to painting isotope green yet. That’s my signature color lately :lol

But they can be painted? I dont want to have a blue one, and can wait for the grey one to show up again.

dunno, and my guys are running a b spec enduro right now that i don’t want to cancel.

some of the racecars are finiky. I can paint a carbon Zonda R any color, or any of the RM cars, but couldn’t paint an X1.

which reminds me, if any of you guys get one of the bright yellow X1’s let me know. I want it in that color.

Formula GT’s cant be painted, I have a black and white one in my UCD right now, but not enough cash to buy it.

AND WHY THE FUCK DIDNT YOU GUIZE TELL ME ABOUT PHOTO MODE EARLIER!!1 Holy shit ballz. I just spent an hour and a half fucking around with it:

Lol I’ve posted more than one pic I took through photo mode BRO

I dunno how to post pics I took on GT5. I only took pics of my Sultan of Dubai edition R8 V10.

I have a maxed out 458 and Scuderia, and neither could be the lead Enzo with my b-spec driver. Srsly, I think I’d beat my B-spec driver if we went head to head on a real track. Dude can fuck up a wet dream.

So I bought an Enzo. I hope he won, I just started the race and left for dinner.

After you take a pic, goto the main GT Mode menu, there is a camera icon to the left. In that menu, on the pics you want, click ▲ and “Export to XMB” then at the main Ps3 menu, they will be under photos, in a folder. Click ▲ and copy to USB, or if you have your wireless network set correct, just send to pc. Makes sense? lol


I am surprised how well Photo Mode was put together and even more surprised how much you can adjust in terms of shutter speed, aperture, etc… The falling blossoms in the Japanese street scene will actually blur with a longer shutter speed, just as they would in real life. Lens blur looks fake in some shots and fairly realistic in others.

Indeed. I have some sick shots of my cars on the HD, just have to upload them here.

How many of you fucks can and would commit yourself to an online enduro? I’m talking like a good 1-2 hour stint(most tracks it would be 60-80 laps).

I would set it up and this would be the following:

-Car choice would be racecars only, and ones that are based of an existing road car or have actually have a homologation car. IE you could use and S2000 race car, or any one of the RM cars, but not something like a Group C car(C9, 787b, etc).

-HP will be limited, likely somewhere in the 550-650 hp range max. Fast enough to be fun, but limits the stupid HP cars and the ability to walk on the straights. Puts more emphasis on cornering.

-Race settings would be limited of course in regards to TC and the like.

-Playing nice and not driving like an ass would be mandatory. No bumping people out of a corner to take a position, or under braking and using someone as a stopper on turn in because you can’t figure out how to drive. Blocking on straights is fine, but not mid corner because your opponent took a better line and is passing you.

Are there folks up for something like this? Would be nice to actually set a race that’s based off a longer stint.

Would be on a Fri or Sat, likely at a later night time(like 8pm or something)

I’m down for that.

I have been buying as many race cars as possible, just to get a good collection. I think a DTM car race wouldn’t be bad. I really wish they had Porsches and other ALMS GT1/2 cars in the game. Gotta play Forza for all that though.

i’d be in if it was next week

would definitely be next week, to late this week to throw it together.

This sounds like a wonderful idea, I think we should also set up maybe a street legal type enduro too.

I will pick a few different tracks and you guys can vote on which one will be run from that list. The remaining details I’ll post later. I will set something up then(race wise) and get the spec and requirements listed here ASAP. It’ll give people time to get things together.

we can do another production model car enduro later.


Something like sub-400hp and over say, 1200kg on sport tires. For that I’d think an hour long race would be sufficient. Dunno what track would be best. Depends on how many people are involved. If there’s only 4 people, a 60 lap race at Tsukuba would work.

More details! I might be down. I heart Deep Forest, Tokyo 246, Cape Ring (any of them), Grand Valley, anything but Trial Mountain, I hate that last set of esses before the line, I always f up there.

Nurburgring Nordschlief. 15 laps.
I’d be down for it, I have a few cars I could use.

Have you guys ever done a shuffle race? Those are pretty fun, everyone in the race gets a randomly generated car, all of similar and nearly equal performance. Makes for a good race. But I’d rather use one of my own cars in a race.

Sounds like a good idea, if anyone wants to add, my PSN is bkeveryday

Worst photos you’ve ever shot. Seriously, it looks like you just took a Ferrari F40 of like, GT5, and photoshopped some pictures with it.
