Help~Engine Ticking BAD

no. if you skipped timing, youve got bigger issues, Kseries are chain driven timing sets… chances are you money shifted and you are afraid to admit it.

No I swear on my daughter I didnt,like I said I got poisoned bad and I have been depressed the past month and havnt felt myself, and Ive been just cruisin I dont even think I barely hit vtec, no way possible did I over rev it, i even asked my bf if he drove it and he said no. Im seriously upset over this, this is bullshit.

Word, over revving would cause it to float a valve and if the motor jumped timing that thing would be FUCKED. Valves would have met pistons.

plus like I said the guy said there were no over rev codes meaning I DID NOT over rev or “moneyshift” its impossible, it would have thrown a code.

Sounds like the BF may have been deep into VTEC once or twice… and not manning up to it.

Just my .02…

well I highly dont think he did but if I was to find out he did he will be ball-less in about 2 minutes

:lol Hence him not wanting to tell you… lol

yeah i dont buy this story. and putting family on the line means nothing, as i dont know you as person. maybe youre k00-k00 for cocoa puffs

I dont mean to be a bitch but i really dont care if u dont buy my story I do know some ppl here and I am a nice stand up person, i dont lie i dont bullshit, i know i did not cause the damage.

like i said go to the above dealer i suggested, they may be able to help you out. worth a shot

lia honda screwed me over with my transmission in the 06 si, and it took me fighting them to get my money back so thanks but Ill go to saratoga honda:number1

Honestly sounds like a moneyshift tricia… weather it was you or not

Sounds like boyfriend is not fessing up to soemthing… No reason for a car with that many miles to be ticking, sounds like a bent valve… Your car wouldent throw an over rev code anyways as far as I know… thatd be the first ive ever heard of it :crazy

:‘(:’(:cry: you cannot judge oneself as stand up or not, thats for others to determine.

yeah LOL I don’t think there’s such thing has an “over rev code”. I’ve mis-shifted my car a couple times and have never gotten that “code”.

no there is a over -rev code that would be thrown, the guy at honda even agreed he suggested it got cleared which is impossible, i told him to look at my previous codes that have been there a while which would prove i didnt clear it.

Yeah theyre deffinatly trying to just fuck you over…

saratoga honda is another good place to consider, another member on this forum both his cousins are techs there.

Tricia… I dont belive theres such thing as an over-rev code there just trying to fuck you

They are 100% lying.

  1. Dont think there is no such thing as an over rev code
  2. For them to say you cleared the over rev code is BS
  3. If the car has bent valves it would run like shit and have less power(been there done that)
    4.Do a compression test and this will tell you if the valves are bent
  4. Sounds like a rod knock, the car would make noise and still run fine

yes there is.

well for vw/audi vechicules