Justin's s14 240Sx (94 sentra_xe)



kramer. you have no idea :rofl

:gtfo i can still pay for it DUM DUM :retardclap

Alright am I going to have to come over and give you jackasses a hand?

Iā€™ve seen jeffs work, hes like an old man :rofl

and justinā€¦ after the mallet comment for the shifter im not not so sure :rolleyes:

Plate does not have to come out for shifterā€¦ 2 C clips hold the whole thing inā€¦ 1 for the shifter, and 1 for the bushing the shifter sits inā€¦

and whats all this wiring nonsense?

All you have to do is bypass the inhibitor switch and your good

or be cool like me and completely bypass the inhibitor relay becasue the inhibitor switch was Fooked

Anyone that wants to help is more than welcome as long as you dont bitch about it being cold lolā€¦ill have dan do the wiring lol dan. any update on fenders and header?

this is a Ka correct?

run open exhaust ports. fuck all this header/exhaust manifold nonsense

+1 sounds nasty!

a 30 pack and weed sounds better

Im always down for beer and workā€¦

So whens this shin digg going down, if its somewhat nice out like it is today I have no problem swapping a transā€¦

long as you have everything, we could drop that auto and swap the stick in in a few hours

minus all the wireing you want to have done

Oh and provideing jeff doesnt drop a tranny on my hand again

what the fuck is im an old man bull shit.

PISS!!! bull SHIT!

folmssssssssssssssssbee is a bitch. :slight_smile:

Dude, the most movement you made when i did the clutch on your car was

A. When you almost killed me jacking the car up and I got pinned between your car and my freezer
B. when you almost killed both of us with the starter
C. When we ate the pizza

Oh and thanks for the pizza, I never said thanks

the former cop doesnā€™t think weed will be the end of humanity???

the end is nigh.

you seriously have no clue :rofl:rofl

well jeff is getting all excited and i told him i am not doing any more until i have the shit, i still need the plate that goes between the trans and engine and i need the MT pilot bushing, then i still need the lines, driveshaft and the slave cyl.

a guy is buying the s13 xmember for the same price as im paying for my s14 one so thats under controll


i remember with the starter now :rofl:rofl

and the fact that i was really tired and stressed out/ you offered to do it. made me non motivational.

non motivational is like me and justin. i got there, unbolted the exhaust manifold. then o2 sensor then started to shovel the driveway then left. lol.

Justin i made a todo list. Most of which i wanna do now :frowning:

get all of the lines, and slave cyl all new from nissanā€¦ theyre cheap

allright if they are open tonight after work ill get a quote

cant do anything with the tranny until i get the MT pilot bearing and the gasket

then i need dan to get the fenders and exhaust manifold before those can go on

the only thing that CAN be done is the pedals, get the flywheel resurfaced and mount the master cylinder and put the interior back together, but i still have alot of cleaning to do :shifty

this thread still needs more pictures.

I want to see bloody knuckles and shit maybe some coke.

Coke is a great build motivator you get so much done and it motivates you to sell useless parts for more coke and more motivation

ahh the circle of life

I donā€™t do coke BTWā€¦ i know a few awesome builds that have involved it though