Krazykid & SSmokinn Fishing trip. 4/24

nice fish guys! When i was in the keys a few months back i threw out an 8" snapper and hooked a 10’+ sand shark and fought him for a good 30 min til he broke my line!!! I was on a pedestrian bridge and i walked about half way to shore (1/4 mile total) to try and land him, but it wasnt too easy on 25lb test :lol i have a shitty video but no pics.

Such a great looking fish they are! Glad you caught your goal! Lets add a 40" norther to the mix and we can hit a grand slam!

thanks! But you get a 40" northern, but im going for that 45"+ tiger!

so what night do you want to sit in the boat watching a 14" sucker swim around, under umbrellas getting rained on!?!?


not sure. I have work all the rest of the week.

me too and after work is more work… we will work something out I am sure.

yeah we will.

wen out yesterday. Ended up with two fish. This one and another that wasnt picture worthy.

I ended up hooking up to a fish that could have been the fish of a life time, and he ended up spinning me off. I dont really want to talk about it because it still depresses me lol

pick a night this week after work, and ill meet up with ya. I caught up on alot around the house so I have a few hrs free time.

the only time I have free this week is either wensday afternoon, saturday morning until 3, or all day sunday.

I spent a few hours out there yesterday afternoon. Caught a dinky ass bass and a Crappi at dark. maybe this week/weekend will be better…

i think we need a bigger boat

that fish was small. Gave me a real good fight tho.

Wow, nice.

Is that a polar kraft rowboat you’re using? lol


16’ 2007 Triton

I just have it set up with fishing pole holders and shit for trolling

Ah. The only reason I asked is because my uncle has an aluminum polarkraft with a 15hp 4 stroke on the back and its extremely useful for fishing in shallow waters.

yah man. I have a 15hp suzuki 2 stroke motor on it.

Wanna race from a dig? :rofl

well went out today from 4-8 and had a pretty good few hours. Caught 6 bass, the biggest being 21" and 4.6lbs and a crappie and a 30" northern.

dont mind the hat. My ears are getting sun burnt so I had my hat over my ears lollll

fuccck me I should have gone. too much going on for me to get out. arghh.

That’s awesome SS.

Do you know if there is there anywhere to park a car and launch canoes? I’ve always wanted to go on round lake but I heard the public launch is off limits so I never bothered.