Merry Christmas Me v.Subaru Built Motors

if youre engine is fried…i say buy a replacement…throw a 35r on it with supporting mods…then build blown engine the right way and do it slowly so you dont break your bank…thats my .02 cents

man, I REALLY don’t think you realize what you are getting yourself into.

Are you sure you should be getting into such a big project only being 19? It seems like you just want to have an $80,000 that is barely streetable.
Just throw a 36r on it with supporting mods and you should be good.

I kid.


[quote=)><(((x>;767493]Are you sure you should be getting into such a big project only being 19? It seems like you just want to have an $80,000 that is barely streetable.
Just throw a 36r on it with supporting mods and you should be good.

I kid.[/quote]

this project has been going on for more than a year already. Pretty much all of the big stuff has been taken car of save the labor on the block swap.

he already has the 35r and alot of the supporting mods. (hydra, injectors, EBC, meth, TBE, up pipe, TGV deletes ect ect ect.) the only thing he needs is a shortblock (because of the ringland issue) and a few more things (like fuel rails as mike said) to complete the package and make it safe.

and im not sure where this $80,000 number came from but there is only a little more than half of that invested in this car :gotme:


Honestly it’s a lot of weight and complication that I wouldn’t bother with if you’re only using it for spoolup. The block can definitely take it.

There’s a whole lot of stuff I’d be buying before a nitrous kit if I was you.


Well, rails is a must now im assuming, but we will talk soon about this.


if youre engine is fried…i say buy a replacement…throw a 35r on it with supporting mods…then build blown engine the right way and do it slowly so you dont break your bank…thats my .02 cents


That is exactly what im trying to say but I feel people just think im looking to do this in very recent time (which I clearly stated in my first post is not what im doing). Im buying this motor because I feel it is what I need right now for the short/mid term goals I have (which again, I have stated.)

Just to be clear … There is no 42r or 45r that will touch this car within the next few years and if I do get any new turbo soon, it will be a 30r.


man, I REALLY don’t think you realize what you are getting yourself into.


I REALLY do know what im getting into. Its no honda, its no cakewalk, its something that should be done right by the right people and there are thousands of variables that can be screwed up by the most minute things. Believe me, I know about screwing up as does my bank account (ask Mike about last spring:hang:)

I have listened to everyone’s suggestions and to be honest, for now, I know what I want to do with the car. If you feel that there is something technical I should know feel free to tell me (and thats not what I have ahead of me). I would love to learn about different mapping and maybe other alternatives I have other than c16 (if there is any).

I understand then I guess its moot that I posted it in a forum but I expected a few more ohhs and ahhs, rather than you have no idea what you getting into. Believe me, I do and I always have (all the way since last winter.) Its just what im willing to do. Yes it may take me fucking up two times to learn im way over my head but I feel that wont happen this time so again, we shall see. Who knows, I may even come up with the cash to take it to Innovative. But for now I feel my plan is sufficient to my needs.

InnTune, belive me, I will contact you in person before anything goes down as I hope to have you doing the tuning no matter what but…

What of the oe block will need to be replaced to achive my goals as stated, which for now lets just say only 28psi 93 octane and meth (oil pump ect)?


What should I know about the stock heads as far as using them on this block. I know they flow well but what will the torque curve be and to what rpm?

Seems like everyone is trying to warn you about the course you run but you don’t want to take the advice. Guess you’ll learn on your own. Good luck with everything!!


Seems like everyone is trying to warn you about the course you run but you don’t want to take the advice. Guess you’ll learn on your own. Good luck with everything!!


Yes exactly lol. I am listening everyones input and love to hear other peoples reasoning (assuming they provide it) for why and why not I should do some of the things I am doing but in the end I know what I want to do. And like I said (which I guess you dont understand about the post right above yours) is what I dont know, I will ask and listen to intently. For example, If a bunch of people came out saying, I know 92395 people with this block and 92394 of them blew within the first week, I would say, oh ok well maybe this is not the block for me. InnTune says spray may be worthless so now I will search up and down and seek out further advice from him and other sources as to the route of this reasoning and make a decision off of that.) if someone said oh well the heads dont flow nearly efficent enough to compliment the rest of your build and you need a head made of gold that costs $2355430, then I would say, ok, well it looks like a new motor is not for me.

Although I knew I would recieve it, I dint ask for advice, and thats why im not taking most of it. I do value most technical input, but when people are saying, “your just a fool with a bad track record with cars and decision making skills and you like boys,” im just politely saying, “no and heres why.”

If I end up fucked in the end you can all say I told you so but no one got to say that to Christopher Columbus and I like my odds better than his.

Hey I said good luck. Just do your research and spend your money carefully is all I’m saying.

EDIT: And if your building this car/motor for “oohs and ahhs” from people on an internet forum, I can see why other people may think your jumping into something. You should be building it first and foremost for yourself. Nobody else.


Hey I said good luck. Just do your research and spend your money carefully is all I’m saying.

EDIT: And if your building this car/motor for “oohs and ahhs” from people on an internet forum, I can see why other people may think your jumping into something. You should be building it first and foremost for yourself. Nobody else.


LMAO, the point is here that I am doing this for myself, most people here are telling me how I should do this lol. I just senced some sarcasm in your post.

i didnt mean the built block. i meant a factory replacement lol


Well, rails is a must now im assuming, but we will talk soon about this.

That is exactly what im trying to say but I feel people just think im looking to do this in very recent time (which I clearly stated in my first post is not what im doing). Im buying this motor because I feel it is what I need right now for the short/mid term goals I have (which again, I have stated.)

Just to be clear … There is no 42r or 45r that will touch this car within the next few years and if I do get any new turbo soon, it will be a 30r.

I REALLY do know what im getting into. Its no honda, its no cakewalk, its something that should be done right by the right people and there are thousands of variables that can be screwed up by the most minute things. Believe me, I know about screwing up as does my bank account (ask Mike about last spring:hang:)

I have listened to everyone’s suggestions and to be honest, for now, I know what I want to do with the car. If you feel that there is something technical I should know feel free to tell me (and thats not what I have ahead of me). I would love to learn about different mapping and maybe other alternatives I have other than c16 (if there is any).

I understand then I guess its moot that I posted it in a forum but I expected a few more ohhs and ahhs, rather than you have no idea what you getting into. Believe me, I do and I always have (all the way since last winter.) Its just what im willing to do. Yes it may take me fucking up two times to learn im way over my head but I feel that wont happen this time so again, we shall see. Who knows, I may even come up with the cash to take it to Innovative. But for now I feel my plan is sufficient to my needs.

InnTune, belive me, I will contact you in person before anything goes down as I hope to have you doing the tuning no matter what but…

What of the oe block will need to be replaced to achive my goals as stated, which for now lets just say only 28psi 93 octane and meth (oil pump ect)?


What should I know about the stock heads as far as using them on this block. I know they flow well but what will the torque curve be and to what rpm?


agreed with the points of just 35r and pump gas. i hate meth, so i will never use it. thats why with my 35r im running race gas all the time, just like this past year


this project has been going on for more than a year already. Pretty much all of the big stuff has been taken car of save the labor on the block swap.

he already has the 35r and alot of the supporting mods. (hydra, injectors, EBC, meth, TBE, up pipe, TGV deletes ect ect ect.) the only thing he needs is a shortblock (because of the ringland issue) and a few more things (like fuel rails as mike said) to complete the package and make it safe.

and im not sure where this $80,000 number came from but there is only a little more than half of that invested in this car :gotme:


I was just joshing, no pun intended. I was talkin’ to him today and was reiterating what newman and most others on the board.

i didnt read every post but is this a complete motor that youre buying or is it just the block? cuz if ur gonna do it all now get a built head etc.


i didnt read every post but is this a complete motor that youre buying or is it just the block? cuz if ur gonna do it all now get a built head etc.


its a short block


i didnt mean the built block. i meant a factory replacement lol


Well, I dont want to do that because of the 1 month the factory block lasted lol. It only has 26,000 miles on it:(:cry:


i didnt read every post but is this a complete motor that youre buying or is it just the block? cuz if ur gonna do it all now get a built head etc.


The stock heads should be fine. The only question is if I want to seek extra benefits form cams/valves ect.


If you can’t afford to do it right, don’t do it.


Josh listen to Mike. Also start small and work your way up if you’re short on cash. I would always give Mike a couple hundred $ for credit in case I needed something. I learned that a few mods on the car sometimes caused something else to be upgraded. I had the back-up credit to do it. And Mike will always warranty his work. You cant lose man, besides after I threw all that work into my WRX and then it got totaled; i was done fucking around with installs.

i dunno for someone that sounds like short on cash this really seems like a foolish move - if you really want to do some crazy build later on, just start buying the pieces for that and jump to that when you get there. That way you don’t have half the parts in the car not being fully utilized and then end up realizing “shit this isn’t what i want to do” and selling it and losing tons of money on it.

If you want help advice locally - work with Mike, this just seems like way to big of plans to piece together on limited knowledge/budget/forum research.

I certainly am not a wealth of knowledge, but I know what happens when you don’t have all of the pieces lined up for a swap and/or build because i’ve been there a few times. The result is frustration and cashflow into the red :frowning:

I love how this forum changes there minds so quickly. I’ve seen threads in the past where people were going to take viechles places to get work done, motor rebuilds and what not. They all say right away do it yourself. Save time, money and you can learn something. So what happens, a kid is doing this now and they all want him to take it to get it done.


man, I REALLY don’t think you realize what you are getting yourself into.

