Motards, K20's, and Niskayuna Police

I had to do it.It’s to good to let go.

It is obvious that we were in the wrong. All of you guys are beating a dead horse here. Having family in Law Enforcement and majoring in Criminal Justice, i know the law and have hugeeee respect for any law enforcement professional. :hug

Yesterday was indeed the Highlight of their week im sure. It took multiple officers to take care of things. Which is ok, but, i think its kind of funny because they were taking there sweet time, why you ask? because they said “We are on overtime, We could careless”. Thats reallyy nice… Also another awesome quote from the incident, Which i thought was utmost professional, was the one officer calling someone, whom i will refrain from using names, “A Fucking Deuschbag”. Real nice again right? Lastly, Im not sure if this is standard procedure or not, but when i rolled up infront of complaintants house. There was Sarge standing in the middle of the road, with his gun drawn, pointed right at me. I mean, like really?? is that needed. If i were to keep on riding down the street ( which i would have never done) what was he planning on doing? Shooting me…

I take it all with a grain of salt. Everything is already taken care of :clap… I can honestly sit here and say that i have never had a good expierience in Niskayuna. I thank god that i do not reside in that fucking town. :Idiots

theres my old bike… haha…

That thing is nothing but a ticket straight to jail… thats why I dont own it any longer…

glad to see you’ve been doin well since I ran into you at friday’s :lol

picked the bikes up from their impound lot today around 10am That place is just a fenced in field. I could have jumped over it and taken the bike… i didnt see one camera. The bikes were fine the towing guy was cool and took good care of them other then the $90 to pick them up it wasnt so bad. They wouldn’t take the pennies i tried lol

It cost $135 to get it back after they impounded it for me…

Plus $535 in fines, plus $200 for the cheapest lawyer in the world…

Hard to believe its been a few months already since all that went down…

That bike is expensive… haha…

Every time I would get in some shit like this, my dad would sing ‘I fought the law and the law won’

I can still hear it ringing in my head :frowning:

G/l boys

X mother fucking 2.

You guys need to grow up. Bunch of immature retards doing wheelies and burn outs in civics…Can’t believe I didnt get a phone call while this was going on you fucking dicks

Shut your fucking mouth you shitstain

Go get some more tickets you ass face

Civics cant wheelie they’re FWD you fartknocker

Pfft they can if you are Matt Stallmer


or dkid

Should of never stopped. Why would you go back to where you were hanging out knowen the cop is right behind you?

If I didn’t go back to his house, said cop would have followed me still and would have still proceeded to pull be over. Which in that case i would have gotten unregistered, uninsured, unlicensed operator etc, because Brian had all of the bikes information on him, and he was at his house. So i would have fucked my self even worse, and the bike still would have been towed… That why i didnt take off.

It’s still a dirtbike. I don’t know how many times I ran from the cops, never got caught.

Or at least get your damn lic.

There was nowhere to run after I got back, it was simply too late. I don’t know how many times I need to say this. I could have ran past the one cop sure, but that would have just caused more problems and trouble for everyone in the long run.

You need nos. Two of the big ones.