need a lap top .. help

The problem is, is i have been in the IT Industry and around computers for my entire life… so i am a “computer nerd”

Casual user? I’m sorry, I don’t get up and go to work every day… oops.
After 15 years of using windows, and supporting windows, I wanted a change of pace, After dealing with windows issues all day at work, i like to come home, turn on my laptop and have something different, that works faster and has less issues.

anyone with your knowledge and caliber of experience should know that your personal opinion has nothing to do with realistic functionality and product longevity… naturally you deal with windows issues all day, that’s 99.9% of corporate infrastructures. go back and answer my question that was posed to yours. to add to it, fire up your mac and hit a site and watch a .wmv, you know the video format of over half the internet.

mike… if you like toshiba go with it… get extended support if you buy direct. I have a toshiba tv, at least you’ll know the laptops screen will be nice! i’m not against toshiba used to have satellites and latitudes… nice machines for sure… if i remember they don’t have the snazzy cases and bells whistles.




Ohh must be the word of god.

It is, Sonny has spoken. :smiley:

if ur not having hardware failure y dont u just have someone reload the computer because vista blows.just my $.02

through a web browser(viewing a hosted movie) recently refined to work with windows lawl

LOL @ using the search parameter “wmv file”

I love vista.

IM sorry, you said it was used by half of the internet, so i went to the source… the internet.


i have a toshiba because it was suggested to me by my brother, who works with computers everyday and he uses one too. I love the thing havent had any problems with it yet.

don’t hate… being as seasoned and veteran as you, you should realize that rather than simply using the web to watch the view, my point is that the multimedia is HOSTED and running across a web connection… download that .wmv file and then OPEN IT OFFLINE. that leads me down my next path of argument is that everything under the sun needs to use the web to talk to a mac… rpc over http was created for such instances… hell mac doesn’t have an imap client for mail still… fat clients forced to use webdav to talk to servers :bowrofl:

simply put, macs are stand-alone workstations not meant to participate in a network… even the founder doesn’t support the hype:

Well considering it is an actual link to a WMV file, it is being played by a browser plugin, the same media player that one would use to play offline files.

So there would be no difference if i saved it or watched it through safari.

I :love: my mac

no problems, ever…

Dude… just stop, i like arguing for the sake or argument but this is getting stale.

this is my point…

lets be clear here as to what is the case.

  1. i asked you to natively save a wmv and play it… that cannot be done on Intel MACs nor can it be done on anything before leopard or wahtever 10.4.x is would be… i can’t attest to leopard, as i’m not running it, but sure enough on my power PC i go to the link you posted and it doens’t work… i download and try to play and the mac asks me to choose an application, to which i cannot choose any that work.

  2. you are viewing HOSTED media through a browser with a downloaded plugin to watch such video… that is not NATIVE… if it is the native safari build in leopard, then so be it, but for intel macs and anything 10.4 and lower, that functionality does not exist.

refer to my authentication example and throw that back at me.

and mark, of coarse your mac is tight and you never had issues… but then again you’re not an idiot when it comes to computers and you probably don’t use it much of a member of a network or for specific functionality… if you’re a web programmer try to write and test vbscript, jscript or .net on there… very much prevalent mediums for web development yet designed for windows architecture. the list goes on and on and can be subjective for whatever OS one is running, however since 99% of the world is integrated into windows such limitations exist on other OS’s… it’s just the practicality of business.

I never once said i was using it for business… I said when i get home from using windows all day for business, it is nice to come home to.

It is a personal laptop and is treated as such.

And in the same light, lets see windows play .mov right out of the box.

yup… your right… but like you said, I dont use it like you would use it. Therefore its perfect for me. I just think if you want a family computer or a easy single user computer for basic functions a mac is superior to windows… then again, thats just my opinion.

If your on a complex network, etc… then windows is probably a better choice.

i use flip4mac wmv player/plugin… works seamlessly. then there’s always VLC or visualhub if need be ?? :wink:

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