Remote starters, how do they work?!?? [split]

Is this thread serious? This is the reason more and more people are saying “this place sucks now”

I was warm when I got into my car for work this A.M.

Oh and I will be tomorrow as well when its 1* with a -10 wind chill outside.


I was not… because I knew my fuel level was low but there was no way I was stopping and pumping gas this morning… lol. So I dealt with a cold car and after work I’ll stop and fill it up. So tomorrow I’ll be nice a warm.

why do you hold this opinion?

You do realize this afternoon is supposed to be colder then this morning right? lol Should have pumped gas in the AM.

Because as of late more and more people come on here just to have interwebz drama. I’m not talking about the topic of the thread, I’m talking about people jumping in just to say stupid shit.

You do realize what you are describing is exactly what has been more or less fixed in the last month or two.

Most of the offenders of useless content and drama are either gone or have changed their antics.

If those are your concerns, then no, this place doesnt “suck” and is doing better then ever after the changes that were long time coming.

K.k , most cars do not come with air inj pumps . Only shitty cars that barely meet emmisions have em lol

well in this case it brought some noobie (Drewrevind1) into the drama thread who already knew the how we roll here and posted in anyways. dudes got 41 posts now. :rofl

never the less this drama brought in some decent info about cold starts/warmup actually. It got side tracked with a little name calling and shit, but nothing too bad… and it only lasted a few posts. Not a few pages, sword fights, screwdriver swings, or roid rages… so I think its actually getting better.

and its in BF anyways. so it belongs here if it wants to go all Jerry Springer and shit.

insert VW here.

I hear ya, just thought I would toss it out there. + knowing kick and his family, when he said his moms car’s cats shit the bed, I bed its a VAG car and might have had a shitty SAI.

BTW. My daily jetta is now on day 5 being CEL-LESS! WOOOOOT code was actually a for SAI bullshit as a matter of fact. lol

I’m not saying it sucks so don’t jump down my throat. That has been what is going on here. That is all I’m saying. I’m not concerned at all. I’m glad things are returning to normal around here.

no doubt, i didnt mean any harm behind it good buddy. :number1

Drew is no noobie… he just rarely ever comes on here… lol. And he was simply sticking up for me because the way everything was posted could have been said differently. I know that AMD meant no harm by it, but by posting it in my thread where I am trying to offer a service it would end up causing possible business loss regardless of it was meant to or not. I have no problem having a discussion about the topic and going back and forth, I just wish it had been done like it is now… in a separate thread. And Drew felt the same way and was sticking up for me like a damn good friend… which I’m sure everyone on here would have done the same…
thats my .02.

no doubt man. Tell Drew to stick around and post more. He seems like he would fit in just fine around these parts.

and for sure on the thread of choice to post the discussion in. totally agree.

It did end quick because I am not interested in fighting on the internet and I realized that I didn’t want to mess with Kenny’s thread. On top of that I have no 100% proof that a car starter will clog your cats. Although, knowing how EMS systems work and how a catalytic converter works and overly rich AFR is VERY likely to damage it. No questions about it.

You also had a high-performance cat which can tolerate a bit more abuse not to mention I’m sure it didn’t have 8+ years and 100k+ miles.

That being said, SAI in my mom’s A4 was probably leaky like they all are, lol. And that did NOT help. Either way, it just proves more to the point that an overly rich startup mixture is bad for cars/cats, hence why Audi/VW/whatever other makes use it add the SAI system to help prevent cat damage.

Side note Mike, I CAN TUNE YOUR JETTA NOW! Delete O2’s SAI, whatever you want. Let me know your ECU part number and I can let you know for sure! I can tune it as long as it’s not chipped already

And that pretty much sums it up. I realized after posting that it could be detrimental to sales so I pulled all of my posts. GLWS’s man!

For the record, Drew came right in fighting rather then explaining anything. Right off the bat calling me a complete idiot and how I was completely wrong. Which is not the case. It’s behind us, leave it at that. And as far as I’m concerned, an over rich AFR will still damage a catalytic converter.

DUDE I LOVE YOU MAN! NO HOMO!!! I actually just started poking around the forum and I like what I see! If you want to play around with the jetta, by all means have at it! I got confidence in you for sure and bet you could use some more practice. This opens up a whole new ball game too. Lets chat homie!

your right nick…i did come right off the bat talking shit…and for that i will appologize…ur right at first i did not realize who i was talking to or about for that matter…you are very knowledgable and i respect your opinion…but like most people on here you did not think about where you were posting it and what effects it might have…in that same sence i didn’t think about what i was writing either…please define excessive wear…now i’m just fucking with you…either way its a matter of opinion and most people don’t keep their cars long enough to show the effects that it potentially have or not have end up having at all…that all being said…i got into a nice warm car this morning lol…thanks kenny

Its all good drew. Car knowledge is car knowledge. Everyone has some, and has their own opinions about what they think… its what makes car people, car people. Feel free to toss in your 2 cents more often here man, as you can see in the end we all seem to talk alot of shit online, but IRL most of us know its to be taken for a gain of salt online.

4* this morning. Started truck, put in reverse, backed out of driveway and drove to work.

My dash mounted tuner showed the engine coolant temp at 14* with it running at first.

Heart my starter, it was cold as balls today.

I hate wasting gas letting it idle. It warms up quick enough once its on the road, usually once Im on the thruway.