srteet racing law now in full efect

lol thats a crazy rant but hes got method in his madness :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^ wanu summarize wutchu just wrote? im not reading all that

nvm i just read it… so gov’t is corrupt… thanks captain obvious… u just found out? thats a whole lota cursing and irrelevant rants

you’re right about insurance fsckung us, if we need mandatory insurance then there should be a mandatory price cap on everyone’s insurance, if three other provinces can have public insurance and pay less than us… it’s time to get heavy handed and regulate the basfarts

it’s pure gouging when the average fender bender is less than $1k to fix and they recover over 6x that from the policy holder over the next few years, if we take into account the write-offs and other silly high charges they do pay out (and they fight tooth and nail not to payout) you still have maybe 50:1 profits to losses… it’s obscene that statefarm or whoever can jack their rates and cancel anyone with an accident history years later because they need more money to cover their losses to the world trade center and such… never mind that they were insured but that it’s also a different country!

like when gm decides to close plants or reduce shifts in the most productive/highest quality plants that happen to be in canada to pay for the wholly inefficient american plants when they want to save money, again they are another country why are we paying the price?

I’m glad that toyota at least loves canada and keeps erecting new plants, they make good stuff that sells, they treat their employees well, and boring as they are these cars they are helping our economy… they choose to be here rationally, they aren’t playing political games, and they are here without the huge tax cuts the domestics “require”

I have no doubt that the stupid north american car companies are going to lose their top spot to toyota in another few years (unless they get extremely protectionist which they might)… and when that happens it won’t even be due to piss poor products, it will be stupid outdated manufacturing legacy and a refusal to meet the ever more divided market’s needs…

there’s a new car niche popping up every year now, they need to do what the japanese do and compete like they mean it, small market segments are what made mazda and honda what they are today, and the one-(extralarge)-size-fits-all buick won’t cut it any more

This issue goes far beyond just ‘street racing’ now. Word on the street is that cops are randomly pulling over modified cars and impounding them, then giving the owner a court date and an inspection notice. People are even getting pulled over and ticketed for their aftermarket wheels! Honestly wheels?!

I was reading the TSC forum and this exact scenerio happened to a guy driving his moderately modified STI (body kit, rims, bov, header, catless dp, but stock exhaust- some other really basic stuff). He pulled out of a mcdonalds and got pulled over right away, cop inspected his car and towed it. Dude wasn’t even ‘racing’.

How is this combating “street racing”?? This is just harassment, ignorance, and abuse of power. The statistic for deaths caused by street racing is like 39 since 1998. Compare this to the 60 gun related murders per year (add on the number of non-gun related murders and you’re looking at the hundreds). Additionally i highly doubt that more than 10% of street racing incidents are caused by modified vehicles. All these accidents are caused by stupid kids driving mommy or daddy’s Benz or SUV.

heres what you do.

move out of the gta

we’ve only got one prick cop on the force down south here. the rest are prertty nice guys and being a small town, you bump into them evrywhere,

canadian tire, the grocery store, the corner store, the hockey rink

about 3 or 4 different cops have pulled me over sinxce i started driving 4 years ago. (same guy has gotten me 3 times, and let me go for the last two)

when i see them now they stop and talk with me. the guy who’s gottten me the most always jokes with me

he’ll say something like “slowed down yet” and i can joke back with him saying “just a little” or something

i dont know how you gta guys do it

catless down pipe is illegal, he deserved to get impounded.

oh and matty, i already said how you do it in GTA. Don’t attract attention to yourself and ussually no-one will bother you.

Numerous times I’ve been driving to work at 7am in the morning (summer months) and had cop follow me for a few blocks or look over my car at red light. Numerous times I smiled at the cop and he just went about his business. Drive sane, don’t attract attention and 90% of the cops wont bother you.


im totally agreeing with you andrew

my comment was more one of repsect, like i said, i dont know how you gta guys handle it.

we dont have much opp down here, and youve got about 100x more local polic force then us

Yeah I know it’s illegal but that’s not the point. The point is he got pulled over for ‘looking the part’ and his car got impounded for having “full slick tires” (he had DOT approved Advan A048 ) and they saw his voltage stabilizer and thought it was some nitrous controller. You’re telling me that a cop can see his catless DP by looking at the engine bay?? Don’t give me that garbage.

Believe in the lord.

It doesn’t matter if the tire is DOT or not. If its a slick, have u ever driven a slick in the rain…I have. First off hes an idiot for driving A048’s on the street, 2nd he has not cat.

Everyone does illegal shit to their car and then wines about it when they get a ticket.

I’m sorry, if you drive a car thats modified for racing on the track or lapping you must take full responsibility for what happens. If he was like every other normal person and ran regular street tires on the street and swaped to his A048’s for the track, left his cat in, i bet the officer would have given him some BS ticket that would not hold in court.


you guys break the laws of the road knowingly, bitching and complaining when you get caught for it only makes you sound like a child.

you did it, regardless of whether you think you are right or wrong you knew it was wrong according to our laws and if you get caught you need to deal with it.

I break laws too, but I don’t post retarded stories about how I shouldn’t have been ticketed because of some lame excuse.

You did it. You were stupid enough to get caught. Deal with it.


if he was really “not doing anything wrong” and got tickets for it, he simply needs to take them to court and prove his case.

There is a system in place to deal with these sorts of mistakes by officers. Use it instead of bitching!

Its DOT approved, its legal.

hahahahaha, lets go drive slicks in the rain everyone.


It’s legal, you can do it if you want.

Whats the problem?

i put my slicks on in the rain what is wrong with that. i have never been pulled over. cause i dont do dumb shit in heated areas

Louis did have a point about the catless dp… cause yes it is illegal, but how could the cop have seen it? I dont support profiling, but whether the papers say that cops can profile or not, it wont change the fact that a cop would stare at a modified vehicle looking for something wrong rather than at the toyota camry parked next to it.

My friend drives a Ford taurus wagon… this thing is ridiculous. His exhaust fell off his car in january when he was driving around owen sound coming back to Thornhill… its been 4 months and no cop has ever pulled him over for anything other than a speeding ticket. I’ve seen him pull out and roar down the street with nothing after his exhaust manifold and cops dont bat an eye.

Face it, profiling exists, whenever you see honda with a teenager in it with holes in his muffler, dont you think “ricer” right away? Well just then you have been profiling… It exists, deal with it by never shifting about 3000 rpm and never drawing attention to yourself.

We need to start a protest down at City Hall, they say if you want to race go to a track!!! Cayuga is 3 hr away in traffic from scarborough. Last time I went to the track after driving for 3hr, cops were pull every car over and doing check, this was 1min away from the entrance of the track. My friend only went down the track once, because it was so busy. We need a place in Toronto to race!!! like the old Army Base, there are 3 air stripes, BMW does there test and tune there. We need to come together and start a protest to show that we need somewhere close from Friday to Sunday 10pm to 3am to come out and hang and race.In BC the cops, racers and the government have a program where you bring your street legal car out and race. Why we cannot do this here in Toronto???

Oh man, what is wrong with slicks in the rain??? What is not wrong with it should be the question. How about zero traction.

meh. im going sleeper style, steelies. hidden exhaust pos paint job

~ Justin