The Rapid Move To All Electric (But Real Goal = No Personal Cars)

Just cut the lawn in the dark with my electric mower. Headlights + little noise = :ok_hand: :hear_no_evil:


how many toads did you chop up? :rofl:

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Meanwhile the mower I just bought because my lawn isn’t big enough for a rider but I still want to mow it quickly. 30” Toro Timemaster. Also because fuck your puny electric that NYS will likely mandate within a year.


Killing toads is my carbon offset :frog: :skull_and_crossbones:

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Man, I figured you’d be all over this since you could charge she from your solar panels.

I won’t buy an ev mower until they are totally autonomous. A little mower that goes out each night and cuts sections of lawn consistently. Robot slaves will be the best.


There are programmable robot lawnmowers now but I’m not sure how well they perform

I’ve watched some videos on that Luba and it looks impressive. It uses a high precision GPS so instead of burying a guide wire you just drive it around your perimeter using their app on your phone and it makes a map of your property basically just like the current robot vacuums do. Then you can draw around any no-go zones on the map on your phone. It will then use it’s algorithm to figure out how best to mow your lawn in nice straight lines, unlike the first gen of robots that just bounced around randomly inside their wire pen hoping to eventually hit everything.

2 reasons I didn’t get one.

  1. I have a dog. Since none of these have big heavy traditional blades they aren’t capable of cutting thick grass and need to run every couple of days to keep up. A robot running on a schedule would only work if I kept to a really good schedule about de-shitting my lawn.
  2. I have a fully fenced back yard meaning I’d need to constantly move the robot from the front to the back since it wouldn’t be able to get past the fence/gate.

I mow 6 acres, no fences, just needs to be big enough to keep up.

I remember the dumbest shit.


That thread was prime NYSpeed and made me laugh and be sad so many never post anymore.


Buy 100 of them

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1 for every 1911 :smiley:

lol never!

“it’s not anti-car” lol

In the 1950s and 1960s, when the highway system was planned, designed, and constructed, racism was embedded in the process.

To address healing the damage done by cars, we need to reframe our thinking from moving vehicles to moving people as well as bring focus to the off-peak times. To address the disparate impacts of historical racism, we need to address the underlying metrics and policies.

For equity committee member Marpillero-Colomina, however, electric vehicles “are not the silver bullet.”

“If we just replace all the gas-powered cars with EVs, we’re going to have many of the same problems that we have with gas-powered cars,” she told the Free Beacon.

The “ambitious target” is ZERO private cars by 2030. The “progressive target” is 190 vehicles per 1,000 people.


Well presented post

I can only imagine the rush the creator of these graphs get, typing furiously and editing in power point, with every key stroke they come one step closer to saving the world, they stop to talk a break and wipe the sweat from their foreheads, maybe jerk off once or twice to the thought of nobody having person freedom anymore


so because in 2015 some writer saw a diesel generator at a tesla supercharger… Massive Tesla Supercharger Location Runs On Diesel Generator


But between stops, Granholm’s entourage at times had to grapple with the limitations of the present. Like when her caravan of EVs — including a luxury Cadillac Lyriq, a hefty Ford F-150 and an affordable Bolt electric utility vehicle — was planning to fast-charge in Grovetown, a suburb of Augusta, Georgia.

Her advance team realized there weren’t going to be enough plugs to go around. One of the station’s four chargers was broken, and others were occupied. So an Energy Department staffer tried parking a nonelectric vehicle by one of those working chargers to reserve a spot for the approaching secretary of energy.

That did not go down well: a regular gas-powered car blocking the only free spot for a charger?

In fact, a family that was boxed out — on a sweltering day, with a baby in the vehicle — was so upset they decided to get the authorities involved: They called the police.

The sheriff’s office couldn’t do anything. It’s not illegal for a non-EV to claim a charging spot in Georgia. Energy Department staff scrambled to smooth over the situation, including sending other vehicles to slower chargers, until both the frustrated family and the secretary had room to charge.


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