Tinted Windshield


Opinion from people who know what the hell they are talking about (which I got - thanks to JClark) not some Joe Shmoe who thinks tint is bad no matter where it is (jdaniels and others).

I got what I wanted from this thread (again, thank you JClark) and will report back. If you don’t want to know the results, well, don’t fuckin check the thread again. No one is making you read it. Not rocket science.

You only appreciate JClark because he said what you WANTED to hear. Next time instead of looking for opinions here (which you ignore anyways), go thump on your bible and maybe JC himself will give you the answer.

im feeling some loudness in this thread, how 'bout we deflate them damn E-muscles boys

You’re asking for too much. Don’t you know I’m the Shift518 verbal punching bag? Funny thing is…ahh nevermind.


even with all the HID’s you have your not gonna be able to see out of the windshield at night even though its a light tint

Fucking tinting a windshield, too many deer around here

Just tinted my windshield with 10% tint. Can’t wait to drive around later with just my parking lights on.

Yeah dude it’s Ilya, that’s how these threads work.

Any window can be tinted to 70% including the windshield. And also according to V&T law a station wagon, sedan, hardtop, coupe, hatchback, or convertible can’t have side rear windows tinteddarker than 70% either.


guys c’mon, for real. He’s OBV going to have night visions goggles on while driving at dusk/dawn/night/overcast.

but what would I know, I’m just a DIPSHIT

How did you know? I have Splinter Cell ones already enroute from Amazon.

you realize that’s what most car’s come with stock right? so yes the tint law allows you to tint the windows the same as stock.

and tinting the windshield isn’t a bad thing. it’s illegal so cops can see inside your vehicle…you act like it’s the same thing as purposly running over dogs.

Just do a reflective vinyl overlay. It will do a better job at keeping the heat out.

Word, just get a backup camera and mount it to the front. :lol


Where did you see that law? I read the tint law before I posted in this thread and it says in NYS, you can have the top of the window (max of 6in from the top) with a minimum of 70% VLT tinted.

I’m only referencing this as I followed the convo and it looked like Elliot was referring to jdaniels post on the windshields. I’m not talking about tinting your front side windows.

Not reading a photo of page:retardclap Kinda common sense, your main viewing area should be as free of obstructions as possible, but w/e works