To Ilya: PC vs. Mac debate/contest/benchmarks

Bunch of GEEKS ITT. :rofl

Same here. I don’t reformat for any reason other than complete failure, or clean upgrades.


Spybot sucks. CCleaner is useful for clearing shit out (so is Disk Cleanup, lol) and defragging that often is a good way to beat the shit out of your HDD for no reason.

This has to be a joke, right? ZoneAlarm? Seriously? Get the fuck out of here with that shit. Avast is OK, but real ballers don’t run AV. PERIOD.

Spybot is only run once in a blue moon for the hell of it. Really is no different or worse from Malware Bytes. I mainly use the Immunize feature of Spybot because I use IE for certain things and you can never trust IE. The immunizations edit the host file to prevent some things from f’in up the machine, etc.

I rely on CCleaner’s registry cleaner the most. It’s a nice quick tool to cleanup temp files, etc. Disk Cleanup is nowhere near as thorough as CCleaner.

Why is it bad to defrag once a month? I’m not defragging my SSD, and my 2TB drive is constantly having data written/taken off from it so stuff gets fragmented pretty quick. On any given month, I get about 20% fragmentation. Couple gigs worth (all my media files).

As for Zone Alarm, I only use it for increased firewall control for my games that try to talk to the interwebz, etc. I know I could use Windows Firewall, but honestly, in Vista/W7…that firewall setup is much more clunky than what it used to be in XP…so thus I use ZoneAlarm for one off applications like blocking Adobe from talking to license servers, etc. Matter of personal preference.

If I didn’t have any apps like that, I wouldn’t even bother with it. Just makes it a little easier.

FUcking hate taking apart macs, its like trying to balance on a line 1,000ft in the air while holding a Faberge egg from a spoon in your mouth

I nearly shit myself the first time I took one of the newer imacs apart and the magnet grabbed the glass as i was putting it back together, all I kept thinking was well if this fucker breaks its probably cheaper to go buy a new dell then to replace the glass :rofl

ROFL, people used to bring them in the Best Buy for repair and everyone else was scared as fuck to work on them. Those, and the ~13" VAIO laptops.


I agree, but I do run Avast in the background. Never ran a full scan…

My computer runs great, reformat maybe once a year. I recently wiped the system because I was installing my SSD.

I run security essnetials, but for a long long time I never ran an AV, it was when my wife moved in that I finally put one on.

I honestly cannot figure out what these people do that got them infected, even when I did not run an antivirus I went to some shady ass fucking websites and never got infected with anything, I cannot remembert the last time I got a virus other then when I was intentionally trying to do it… I dont think ever really to be honest

Let look at build quality of a Dell compared to an iMac.

My keyboard is Aluminum, the iMac case is aluminum, my keyboard doesnt make a loud clatter like a 91 Ford Tempo that has no oil in it after 6 months of use, I have matching aluminum Focal 2.1 audio speakers, the mouse base is aluminum.

Apps; does Windows have an App store for Windows 7? Can you play Angry Birds on your desktop? :rofl

It’s not that their hard to work on either, you just know that if you fuck something up its going to be a PITA to find a replacement piece and its going to cost more then it should.

Vaios suck because they have like 10 million differeant size fucking screws, a million little clips that like to break and again, parts are a pain in the dick to get ahold of for them because nobody fucking likes vaios and just throws them out :rofl

Spybot is as effective against spyware as farting in your USB ports. I’d love to see it actually prevent something. :rofl

The registry cleaner does work well for removing recursive entries and broken, leftover entries from old software. Other than that, I would use it on a clients computer and remove it after I was done.

If you were defragging your SSD, I would have blocked you permanently. There’s generally no point to defragging a modern HDD that often. The fragmentation is minimal and will rarely affect speed at all. Once a month is excessive as far as I’m concerned.

You could block that in the hosts file easily. ZoneAlarm is a major piece of trash, I can’t think of one good reason that anyone would ever load it on a machine. More power to you, bro.

Dells suck.
My mouse has 7 buttons.


When people would come in with those, I’d quickly talk them into a new machine.


On top of that, I have Angry Birds on every device in my home. I think my thermostat even has it.

^ LOL’ed.

Again, I don’t use Spybot to clean spyware as I don’t have any spyware to clean. I use it for the immunizations which are inserted into IE’s settings and the host file. That’s it. I don’t remember the last time I actually ran a scan on my PC using it. I use ComboFix for all of my virus removal on machines at work…followed up by CCleaner (+reg clean) to remove and remnants or old files related to removed software. That’s it. But the immunizations are a nice thing.

We use CCleaner here alot because it’s quick and easy and because of it’s registry capability. It’s a handy little tool. In fact, anything Piriform makes is handy…including Speccy and Recuva (saved my ass a few months ago BIG TIME).

20-30% fragmentation which is what I often see after a month or two of not defragging my system (or those at work), is a lot. If you ask me. But too each his own. Never had any adverse effects or drives dying prematurely so…to each his own.

Editing the host file is only beneficial if you know exactly what the game, program, etc. is trying to talk to (be it IP or web address). If you don’t, unless you setup a rule to block a particular .exe from going outbound, it will go outbound. Hence why I said Windows’ new Firewall wizard is a PITA for me. Much easier to just use Zonealarm for that. It’s not a resource hog as far as I can tell, so what’s the big deal? It’s just doing what Windows firewall does, but via 3rd party app.

If you’re relying on Zonealarm to protect you from intrusions, etc. and running it in that way…then yeah…might be a POS. I’m running it strictly to block certain programs from going outbound and it’s much easier/quicker to do so via ZA than through Windows’ CP. At least for me it is.

Too each his own I say…there is 1000 ways to do something in Windows. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the beauty of Windows.

But seriously, I wouldn’t use ZoneAlarm on my toaster.


If you say so man. I been doin this a long ass time and I find it to be sufficient for what I’m using it for.

Lol at running AV an/or firewall on a PC. This is my PC voice coming out now.

You guys all started geekin’ out and shit, so I havent caught up yet, I want to play laptop warz!
