tonight's snow storm

i hope we get a lot, it makes for some excitement around a nearly standard week…not to mention i like drifting corners in 4wd.

I hope we get alot so i can work lol. I havent worked in a week or two. I work at a land scaping/snowplowing business.

No, Lighning during a snow storm and Transformers blowing up like backn in october > any rain.

jesus christ 3pgs of talking about snow in buffalo

hows about a proactive thinker post up a drift night if roads aren’t closed?

there’s a thought :tup:

How much are you being charged if you don’t mind me asking.

NYC 6" we are fucked, no place for the snow to go, traffic is a mess, taxis can’t move, buses get fucked, tracks freeze over.

I’m hoping for over a foot, then I can plow around on my snow tires and do doughnuts finally.

so true, i just want a crystal ball so i know if i can stay up late drinking not worrying aobut a 645 wakeup

i love that every area but wny is gettin pounded what the hell i need to do donuts

Meh. It’s not like it’s a noreaster or anything. It’s just a snowstorm blowing through. 12" forecasted well ahead of time is hardly news-worthy compared to the daily lake effect the south towns have been seeing for the last month.

No snow yet downtown on the waterfront…

I call BS!

but this time the actual city and northwowns might see some of it


not really dealing with snow… but had to deal with this small thing earlier today…
Haha! You can’t shovel a tornado!



lol true… but i look out the window now… and its sunny and blue skies :wink: it already passed tampa

I know we all like to make fun of the news, and the weather guys, but this is a little more serious of a storm than what we’ve had so far this year.

  1. It’s not some little 4 mile wide lake effect band that may not even materialize, or if it does it only hits a 4 mile wide section.

  2. It is VERY cold today, 10 degrees here, staying around there overnight, with 15 to 25 mph winds. Add 8-16" of snow to that wind and cold covering the entire area and it’s a pretty dangerous situation. The plows can keep up with a small lake effect band because they only have to plow in the band. If you’re getting that snow over the entire state they will not keep up and the drifts can make some roads impassable. Mix in some power outages and it gets even worse.

There is always the chance that something will happen and tomorrow morning we’ll wake up to 4" of snow, but having the attitude that it’s no big deal is what gets people in trouble. I know tonight before I go to bed I’ll make sure I know where the flashlights are, that my generator has gas, and that my cell phone is on the nightstand. 10 minutes of planning ahead goes a long ways.


that totally made me laugh out loud

nothing new for me, been getting hit with snow none stop for the last 2-3 weeks. Only problem I have is trying to find a spot for the new snow that’s coming. Most of the area’s I push snow off the driveway are pretty much full