Who's drifting

i’ll be drifting next season, in japan tho haha, but there should definitely be more open drift days and a amateur series.

that way those with little experience can learn on the track and then those with skill can compete.

Open lapping days are key for beginners you can learn a lot if you are actually there to learn. If you are there just to rip around the track and have fun and not really paying any attention to what it is you are doing or what others are doing then you will not learn a thing and just piss people off because you are making a mess of the track and wasting time.

With that said open lapping will only take you so far. Once you get a good learning curve and get the hang of drifting you are going to want get into doing some competition. It is a lot of fun and it will push you harder to learn new things.

As an example: Jesse and I have been driving together for years. Jesse is more of a loose cannon, he likes to push the extreme mainly on stupid early entries. I am a more technical driver, setting up for clipping points finding lines to maintain speed ect… In the past seasons Jesse has been rocking everyone including me. As a result I have been pushed to let loose on the technical aspect and push the envelope a little further. After I did that I was able to find a good balance between the two and beat Jesse.

I am looking forward to competing in DMCC next year so I can learn more from other drivers. I still have a lot to learn.

Well…with all that being said (sorry for the long post) I say maybe there should be 1-2 per /mnth open days with instructors available and one competition a month.

This will create 2 environments to learn from and I believe driving skills will excel greatly from it.

It would just be fun to watch the skill level rise through the season.

Werd ^^

S1DC represent and ready to get the drifter population up!

DRIFTING 101, i ve finally got the money to build up my stock 240sx a little bit this year and some drifting 101 or open track events would be perfect.

Drifting 101…

You can learn more if you let someone else drive your car.

Yes, you can learn a lot switching back and forth with another driver.

Dont bring that crap in here Mark. If your not interested in the upcoming drift season then dont rply in this thread at all.

Seems like th only place that you can post is in the drama section as that is all you bring to son.

If your interested in drifting your input is needed…if not dont post.

drifting 101 will be awsome to get more people out there drifting.

open drift days will be great for those that wanna drive their cars to their limits

and amature drift days will be great for those that have the experience already

open drift days leading up to a competition at the end

I’m putting a drift car together for this year even though its my first time. Looking forward to going through all the basics, and training needed to do this right

Seems to me we should put together proper cars for drifting even if we arent
Pros, more like serious amateurs??


id be definately interested in a few drift 101 classes

It looks like a lot of people like the drift 101 idea. Let be honest, who in their right mind would hit the track and start going into 100km+ corners without any tire spinning experience? Even if the beginners are willing to go out on the track, how many of them will spin out? Do the advanced guys really want to be stuck behind a beginner? Do we really want to wait while we fish out the newbie that’s stuck in the infield?

Drift 101 is a must just so that they know how the car will behave while going sideways.

Happy Hoildays everyone!
Team Drift Ops.

let’s do it.

Agreed Wayne…i don’t wanna piss off the more experianced guys

I’m available to teach Hardparking 101 also Wayne. And I might even drive in a few events also.

open drifting would be good so you can set your own pace.

drift 101 would also be good so you know how to open track and not ruin other peoples tracking time by spinning out, etc. and learning the basics.

amateur events would be good for those with more experience looking to take it up a level.

Drift 101 FTW!!!
def looking forward to this summer even know the last one pretty much jus ended. I Wanna get out on the track with hands on experience, and if the drivers who are gunna teach are who i thnk they are, you cant get any better teachers then that. Lets get sumtin written in stone before the snow melts atleast so we know that we’ll have the full summer to hone our skills.

Im def down drift 101 couldnt sound better!

drifting 101 is useless imo. My first track day was a drift day and it wasn’t for beginners. What did I do? Just go all out and spin out, go off a couple of times and then you’re already up to par. I dont feel like going to school for drifting when I have enough school already (college).

Then don’t go to those :wink: Some of us have more expensive cars than a 350Z, and would rather be fully acquainted with how a car behaves when sideways before we risk writing it off :stuck_out_tongue: