York Region Police District 5

^ dam! good luck with that…

i’d recommend a high flow cat, there’s no point unless it’s your track car…they’re big on emissions these days and they will check to see if you got a cat and not a straight pipe or a phony cat!! be careful.

nah these cops should go catch some real criminals no people driving around in a car with a plate wron they should catch people who r robbing banks dealing drugs shotting people not stupid stuff like a plate

You bumped a thread that was a month and a half dead, to impart that gem? Nice.

is you are going to record a cop either by microphone or by video, make sure you let them know prior the pullover or during…because I know that if you plan on recording someone in an interview, you have to ask permision…i dont know if itll be the same sort of rules when getting pulled over.


I heard of that as well. They must be informed that audio/video is being recorded otherwise if they were not the evidence gets thrown out. Not sure if it’s 100% true, however it is quite convenient for police to get away with stuff but behave themselves when informed they are being recorded.

… wow.

just wow.

but wouldn’t that be the point? I mean…if I am being pulled over, then I would prefer the police to be on their “best behaviour” and not screw me over just because he/she is going through a bad day. I would prefer them not doing something unreasonable and let me off, and if they don’t, then I have the audio recording to back me up. It is sorta like a win-win situation…in my opinion.

Thats a damn good idea I think I might actually look up on hooking up a mic in my car even though I’am pretty lucky with the cop situtations…but it would’nt hurt.

You miss the point.

It’s like how in the US it is illegal to film or photograph the police. You’ll get arrested and jailed. This was the case of a fellow who had surveillance camera on his own house and police happened to be in the area. The gentleman in question caught police brutality on tape. What ensued was the police confiscating all surveillance equipment off of his house as being ‘illegal’ as per law and was then arrested, including his family. Only to find out there was a law implemented during the Bush administration that enforced this idea.

Likewise this issue has much heated debate in the UK, at this very moment in fact.

Recall the recent massive protests in the UK despite media blank out: the anti-g20 summit protests, the anti-globalization protests, the anti-israel protests, the anti-war protests, the list goes on. In all these events people were abused by police.

The most recent incident was covered with video footage. The police shunned the initial claims and tried to cover up the event (which resulted in a heart attack of a man), but due to the video footage that was privately recorded and released… the case was brought forward and no longer able to be covered up. The sad part is, a man died from a heart attack due to being beaten to the ground by police, he wasn’t even a part of the protests! The police officer (as usual) was just suspended.

The irony in all this, is that the UK is monitored and spied left and right with CCTV cameras, yet incidents like this happen and are covered up.

Now back to the point. Imagine the police officer is in some crazy burst of anger and rips the camera out of your hand as you tell him that you will record him. You don’t even get a chance to record him!.. and your broken camera, all he can say is even if you bring him to court “your honor, this man is falsificating evidence, I have nothing to do with his camera being damaged. He didn’t have a camera with him when I gave him the ticket” and his word overrules yours.

There is more to all these laws being implemented than meets the eye, that is why many people are in uproar. They are advertised with so much positivism and greater good, yet malevolently have as much equated potential to be misused and abused for control and petty gains in the favor of the government.

Are you another fucking Ahmed account? Jesus Christ…

Cops word does not overrule yours sorry to say but if neither of you have proof than courts over…

Halton Region Police are the best, they only go after the loser low life potheads. Havent got a ticket since I moved here from Mississauga 5 years ago. When I left Peel I had 14 points!

whats wrong with being a pothead? and how does that make u a low-life?

^ Didn’t you know, everyone who smokes dope is a useless, long-haired hippie, that has no job and contributes nothing to society. Doctors, lawyers, and other professionals would never stoop to something so heinous and degrading as smoking marijuana.

oh…i never knew…thanks for telling me lol

Pff, must be 'cause you’re a pot smoker.

feels good man.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Highest Paid Pothead friend = $17/hour
Lowest Paid Non-Pothead friend = $22/hour

All between the ages of 23 - 25.

True Story.