OMG not another "should I buy"

Living at home while saving up money and going to school is one thing. Living at home while driving a Jag, or new GTI, or big diesel pickup is just taking advantage of your parents.

And I bought my POS GTO, and owe way less than it’s worth, more than I’m sure you can say about any of your cars.


Living at home while saving up money and going to school is one thing. Living at home while driving a Jag, or new GTI, or big diesel pickup is just taking advantage of your parents.

And I bought my POS GTO, and owe way less than it’s worth, more than I’m sure you can say about any of your cars.


Every car I have owned I have positive equity in. I’ve OWNED plenty of my cars. Yes, the banks owns part of my truck, over 50% of it? NO.
Mooching off my parents? About the only thing they give me, is a roof to live under, and the admenitys that come with it.
I PAY for everything else, including my health ins.
Just because I actually have a talent that I’m taking advantage of and I am having fun with my life gives you no right to insult me.
Would you rather me move out and rent some place and pay $200 in rent? Whoppy fu king doo. I’m still going to have nice things, the only thing is you couldn’t say I’m mooching off my parents.

So let me give you a high five for owing less than your gto is worth which is like 15 grand right?

How about you don’t visit this thread anymore becuase you have givin me no information at all besides the fact that I still think you are a douchebag and you feel the need to make your self feel better by making fun of kids who are younger, yet having more fun than you, and arn’t driving Peice of shits.
So go back to watching tv in your OWN house. Because after all this I hope you own your own house. Becuase if you don’t i’m going to think you suck that much more.

I’ll revisit any thread I want, and continue to call you a little prick. Welcome to the internet. :slight_smile:

And yes, I own my house. And I haven’t mooched off mommy and daddy since I was 18.

But seriously, all of this drama could have been avoided had you simply come on and said you wanted to buy an old BMW. Or even had your first response to everyone telling you how stupid it was to spend 5k on a car to save gas had simply been, “Yeah, I’m not really doing it to save gas, I just want a BMW”.

But no, you have to respond acting like a dick.

Sedlmeier, copy and paste this in response to Jay:

I’m planning to buy a BMW. I don’t have to prove anything to you. Lick my hairy ballsack if you think you get to have any say in whether or not I “should.”

The drama comes from people refusing to accept a false reality, which is commendable. When YOU present the justification TO US that you are coming out ahead by spending thousands to save hundreds, people are going to reject the false reality that you have presented. If you say “Here’s what I am doing. I’m not going to present any justifications to you, much less flawed justifications based on false reality. If you don’t think it’s a good idea go cry in your GTO.” Then you are not asking us to accept any false reality, such as spending $5000 on an old BMW that gets 5mpg better than your truck will save money.

There is no financial advantage to buying a second vehicle. It’s true that the increased gas mileage will minimize the financial loss of a second vehicle, but you’re not saving money you’re spending it. Which is fine.

You’re welcome to do whatever the fuck you want, just don’t ask us to accept that which does not exist as truth.


I’ll revisit any thread I want, and continue to call you a little prick. Welcome to the internet. :slight_smile:

And yes, I own my house. And I haven’t mooched off mommy and daddy since I was 18.

But seriously, all of this drama could have been avoided had you simply come on and said you wanted to buy an old BMW. Or even had your first response to everyone telling you how stupid it was to spend 5k on a car to save gas had simply been, “Yeah, I’m not really doing it to save gas, I just want a BMW”.

But no, you have to respond acting like a dick.


Okay, good point. Yet when you came in here instead of just saying that’s not the best idea to save $ on gas, you insult me.
I admit I may have came off a little hostile but, It’ clearly asks in my OP what issues should I look for in these cars. NOT, If I should buy one and mooch of mom some more.
If you feel the need to keep saying that, can you please tell me how I mooch off my parents? I’ve paid for every auto that I own. However, like any good parent, they didn’t kick me out of the house as soon as I turned 18. They will let me live here atleast another year untill I get everything on track and am looking to move into a house.

P.S If I’m a little prick. You’re a huge prick.
I guess when I move out the biggest thing I can look forward to is coming on here and making fun of younger people looking to buy a car.

Dude, I don’t know you, nor have ANYTHING against you, but your initial payment made it seem quite clear that you were looking to buy a car that was better on gas, you made a point to mention gas consumption.

Lesson learned? Don’t provide unneeded details and just cut to the chase and ask for info on E36s.

Well now that this thread’s officially a train wreck that fell off a cliff and tumbled into an ocean and sank to the bottom of a trench, where is Coldaccord and turbociv? Those guys seem to know more about old-ish BMW’s than anyone has any right to. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll revisit any thread I want, and continue to call you a little prick. Welcome to the internet. :slight_smile:

And yes, I own my house. And I haven’t mooched off mommy and daddy since I was 18.

But seriously, all of this drama could have been avoided had you simply come on and said you wanted to buy an old BMW. Or even had your first response to everyone telling you how stupid it was to spend 5k on a car to save gas had simply been, “Yeah, I’m not really doing it to save gas, I just want a BMW”.

But no, you have to respond acting like a dick.



Sedlmeier, copy and paste this in response to Jay:

The drama comes from people refusing to accept a false reality, which is commendable. When YOU present the justification TO US that you are spending thousands to save hundreds, people are going to reject the false reality that you have presented. If you say “Here’s what I am doing. I’m not going to present any justifications to you, much less flawed justifications based on false reality. If you don’t think it’s a good idea go cry in your GTO.” Then you are not asking us to accept any false reality, such as spending $5000 on an old BMW that gets 5mpg better than your truck will save money.

There is no financial advantage to buying a second vehicle. It’s true that the increased gas mileage will minimize the financial loss of a second vehicle, but you’re not saving money you’re spending it. Which is fine.

You’re welcome to do whatever the fuck you want, just don’t ask us to accept that which does not exist as truth.



and if you think you could live at a place for $200 a month in rent you really do need a bitch slap of reality. If you had such an amazing talent you would not be living at home. I completely agree with what has been said, it is one thing to live at home so you can afford school, it is another thing to live at home so you can afford toys. We are not on his nuts because we were, as it was put, deprived as a child. We are on his nuts because he is going to turn into the 32 year old that lives in his parent basement because he wanted “fun” toys.

If the bank owns any part of your truck it is even stupider to go out and purchase another vehicle, put the money towards the loan you took on the truck to pay it off, then buy another vehicle. Seriously what you are doing is almost financial suicide, especially since you live at home to afford these things.

If you are getting 17 mpg mixed use out of a short bed diesel you are not going to be much better out of an E36. Buying an E36 with that many miles is going to come with it share of problems, and if you still owe on your truck yet you have enough money to purchase a 10 year old bimmer there is something majorly wrong with your economics knowledge.

In the end, grow up, move out, find out how much living on your own actually costs, then pick up the fun cars.

jays and bikery, u guys rule :lol: :headbang:

:lol: “JayS & BikerFry. If you bring the dumb we bring the pain!”

This is more like Bikerfry and JayS








This is more like Bikerfry and JayS


Well played sir, well played. I’ll admit I lol’d.

This thread is a train wreck.


You’re not going to be getting that much greater gas mileage. Maybe only like 5 more miles to the gallon.


On the thruway I average almost 30mpg with the 3 series I’ve been driving with an auto trans (worse gas mileage) and during AKA Rally where I was going WOT for hours on end I averaged 24.2mpg, please know what you’re talking about before you speak about BMW’s.


This thread is a train wreck.


:lol: That picture never gets old. :rofl:


On the thruway I average almost 30mpg with the 3 series I’ve been driving with an auto trans (worse gas mileage) and during AKA Rally where I was going WOT for hours on end I averaged 24.2mpg, please know what you’re talking about before you speak about BMW’s.


a diesel short bed should be getting 20ish mixed, he is driving like an ass to get 15.

weren’t you also driving a 323 which gets better mileage than the 328’s

330i with the auto, the worst gas mileage you can get out of a non ///M 3 series.


a diesel short bed should be getting 20ish mixed, he is driving like an ass to get 15.

weren’t you also driving a 323 which gets better mileage than the 328’s


No it does not ass nuts.

I figured it out today, mixed driving also not driving like a grandma but not racing it I got 17mpg.